10) The Little Moments

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Yeah... It's been a while. A very long while. I'm sorry guys... I wrote this for myself, and I had absolutely no idea sooo many people would be this interested in it. Honestly, I was rereading the story & wondered why it hasn't been updated, but then realized I'm the fucking author.


[Kou (Y/N)'s POV]

Upon opening my eyes, a yawn escaped my lips. I blinked my eyes repeatedly to wake myself up and looked around. I was still by Merry's head, but Luffy was no longer there. Most likely busying himself with something else. I started to get up but stopped when a fabric fell off my shoulders. I looked down to see it was a suit jacket. The bandana also came off, I put it in my pocket for later. I raised one eyebrow as I was trying to remember whose jacket it was. I was still half asleep, so it didn't click at first. It took me a bit to realize it was Sanji's. "The fuck?" I said to no one in particular.

I hadn't realized someone would possibly be in my surrounding vicinity when I said that. "What happened?" I looked up when I heard a voice. That voice happened to come from Sanji. Of course, he didn't have his suit jacket on because it was on me. It was just his blue-striped shirt with his black tie that was slightly loosened. It was weird seeing him without the black jacket over his shirt, but he still looked good. Not that I'd ever tell him that.

I stood up and held his suit jacket out for him. "I uh... This is yours. Did you put it on me?" I asked.

"Yeah, I did." He took the jacket from me and put it back on.

"Why?" I asked. "Not that I'm not grateful for it.

"Didn't want you to catch a cold. It'd be bad to catch one right now when we don't have a doctor on board the ship." Sanji stated.

I shrugged. He made a good point. "I guess that makes sense."

"Also, if you get sick, that means this crew's manpower goes down." Sanji pointed out.

"Another great point made. Thank you blondie." I thanked him. Sanji just hummed. "I mean, it's not like you guys can't handle shit without me, but the thought is appreciated. You could've covered for me while I was out though, aye?"

Sanji chuckled then gave a light shrug. "I could've. But I'd rather not when you're fully capable."

"Ah, I see. Using me for my skillset?" I put my hands on my hips and smirked.

He put his hands in his pockets before giving another light shrug. "Maybe."

I chuckled. "Anyway, are we almost there yet?" I stretched my arms up and out as I yawned and looked over the railing of the front of our ship. "Feels like I was sleeping forever yet we're still on this blob of blue that we call the sea." I let my arms hang over the railing and sighed.

"Think so." Sanji leaned against the railing next to me. I looked over to him as he did so. His arms were supporting his weight as he leaned against the railing. Which was the complete opposite of me, who just let my arms hang. He clasped his hands together as he leaned forward onto the railing. "That island ahead might be it." He gestured ahead of him which caused me to follow his gaze to where he was looking. Looking ahead I saw a very small island—small from where we were—in the distance. "Nami-san would know and we just gotta trust her."

"Of course. I trust her to get us to our destination. Let's just hope we get there faster cuz I'm already bored." I groaned as I leaned my head down to repeatedly—and gently—hit my head against the railing.

Sanji chuckled at my actions. He slid one hand to hold my forehead in order to stop me from hitting my head against the hardwood railing any further. "You're gonna hurt yourself like this."

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