Nighttime Bia

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Real name: Bianca Carter

Cp name: Nighttime Scarlet

Nicknames: Bia, BB, Miss Carter, Scarlet, and Giggles

Age: 18

Species: A Poltergeist

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: sweet, joking, understanding, intelligent, and caring

Hair length/color: Long, sandy strawberry blonde hair

Eye color: baby blue

Skin color: Peach

Weight: 110

Height: 5"4

Body Shape (optional): Pear


Likes: Science, nature, astrology, stargazing, going on walks, messing with Ben and Jeff, and going on missions

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Likes: Science, nature, astrology, stargazing, going on walks, messing with Ben and Jeff, and going on missions

Dislikes: conflict, Zalgo, abusive people, and those close to her getting hurt

Fears: her abilities, herself, and not being able to control herself


Disorders (optional): None

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Disorders (optional): None

-She can see ghosts(used to)
-two switch blades
-pocket gun

-Retroignition (the ability to physically be in the body of someone in her dreams of either in the past or current present; used to)
-Third eye (Can see ghosts)
-Now presently has a ghost form and a physical form

Family (deceased or alive?):
-Dad (alive)

Other Affiliations:
-Silent Melody;Lexi Rose (my other oc; best friend)
-Heartbroken Skylar;Skylar Collins (other other oc; online friend)

Backstory (bullet points if your too lazy):
-Bianca grew up in a very stable yet strict home; her dad was a public safety officer and her mother was a stay at home mom
-When Bia was 6, her mother's mental health had started to decline and she would say she was seeing things that weren't there and some would shrug it off and others would think she's crazy but Bia would comfort her mom
-One day when Bia was in elementary a year later, she walks home from school only to find her mother had committed suicide due to the crazy things she kept seeing; afterwards, Bia was experiencing seeing ghosts and such that her mother had been describing. She also seen her mom as a ghost which was the reason she was so calm during the funeral
-She was pulled out of school by her dad after 1st grade when she started getting bullied bc her mom died and then was homeschooled online after the incident ever since; she's been making online friends by gaming with others online (thats also how she met my other creepypasta oc, Skylar; aka her online friend)
-Her father had put expectations over Bianca if she were homeschooled online, to be sure she was passing all her classes with a B and up average and Bia did just that to keep chatting with her online friend (aka Skylar)
-Once she was heading into high school, her father placed her in public school and she thought her life would change for the better as she made her first new best friend on her first day (aka my other oc Melody) what she did not know is that things would go downhill from there
-She started seeing other ghosts besides her mom and she kept having dreams as being someone else she did not recognize.... it would freak her out at night that she would sometimes head out in the middle of the night to just take quiet walks
-About a month or two after this, she saw a women that looked like her mom but younger heading into the woods... looking the same way the last time Bianca saw her. As she followed her mom into the woods, she saw a younger version of her father the same night her mom had went missing a few days before she was pronounced dead. As she watched the two, she was learning a dark secret.... Her father was the one who had killed her mom and used his position as an advantage to pronounce it as a suicide by hanging. That was then when Bianca woke up from what seemed to be a dream... but was it really a dream? No.
-Bianca started to try and steer clear of her dad and her dad soon became suspicious of her and decided to ask her why she was acting the way she is; Bianca then tells her dad that 'I know you did it... I know you hurt mom.' And that was when her dad became not so peaceful anymore; her dad tried to force her into the cellar to lock her down there but Bianca fought back and ran off
-As Bianca ran off, she ran into the woods to the same spot where her mom was killed; she then felt lightheaded and fainted at that very spot; it was at this time that Bianca was reported as missing by her best friend and Bianca's father played it off as if she never existed and soon most people in the school forgot the new girl
-This was also during the period of time that she soon had forgotten everything and was brainwashed by Zalgo as one of his goons had stalked her for a while when she took walks
-During the period of time she was under Zalgo for about a year, she had went on a mission and ran into Ej and almost killed him while trying to capture him under the influence of being brainwashed until she was snapped out of her state and did not kill Ej but only injure him to avoid getting hurt by Zalgo
-This was the period of time of the story I am writing so I will not be spoiling it but about 8 months later, Bianca was found out to be Melody's best friend but was so out of control when brainwashed that she could not control herself when she was about to kill her best friend; That was when Toby stepped up and killed Bianca before she could strike Melody
-There was a period of time that Melody needed time to herself to accept the fact her best friend is gone and that gave Slender some time to think about Bianca and how capable she was to be as of use to him... he had went out of his way to reach out to an old friend about bringing back Bianca and from there she was then working for slender as a poltergeist

Crush: Eyeless Jack

Relation to crush: She is close with Ej and she somewhat helps him from time to time on missions. She talks with him time to time and would like to listen to what he has to say, trying to bring him out of his shyness or 'lone wolf' personality to get to know him more. She also likes to get him to laugh from time to time in his worst moments and if he wanted to be alone then she respects his space.

Do you work for Slender, Zalgo, Slender's Brother's, or yourself?: SHE WORKS FOR SLENDER. She used to work for Zalgo but she was not in control of herself and he had brainwashed her to hate everything around her, to not enjoy the things she loves because it was bad and she needed to focus more on training and not take breaks when she goes out on missions, and she almost killed Eyeless Jack but of course did not bc her mind came to and she only gave him an injury when she was not in control and left it at that. She then now presently works for Slender after she was killed in her uncontrolled physical form by Toby, she manifests as a ghost from time to time but would have to put so much energy into gaining a physical form that it makes her so sleepy.

Voice Claim: (Eloise - Last Night in Soho)

Theme Song: (Who Am I- Besomorph & RIELL)

Smut/cursing?: Both

-She does have a British accent
-She loves to create her own experiments and such for fun in her room (no living experiments, just the fun ones)
-She doesn't quite remember a bit the life she lived before she was controlled by Zalgo but she only remembers small details like family life and my other oc (Melody); she does hold a grudge against her dad after finding out about her dad killing her mom and when he tried to lock Bianca in the cellar after finding out
-She has a love-hate type of friendship with Toby bc she cares for him bc of Melody but she despises him bc he murdered her.... But she is also thankful bc she knew she was not in control? If that makes sense

(Only will be in rp book/inbox rp)

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