Bianca Angeles

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Name: Bianca Angeles

Nicknames: BB, Bia, Miss Angeles, Songbird, and Freckles

Age: 7 (as a kid) 15 (Older)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Birthday: 09/26

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Height: 5"0

Weight: 91.0

Hair: Purple

Eyes: Blue

Body Type: Hourglass

Looks: (as a kid and as older)

Looks: (as a kid and as older)(Kid)

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Clothes: (Formal; Pajamas)(Formal)

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Clothes: (Formal; Pajamas)

Clothes: (Formal; Pajamas)(Formal)

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Any Other Accessories?: a heart locket of her sister

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Any Other Accessories?: a heart locket of her sister

Any Other Accessories?: a heart locket of her sister

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Piercings?: None

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Personality: Shy, clumsy, sweet, caring, understanding, and joking

Likes: sweets, having fun, looking after her younger sister, making music, hanging out with Keith and Katarina, making sweets with Maria, reading books with Sophia, stargazing, standing up for those who are bullied, and hosting tea parties for her friends

Dislikes: seeing others hurt or alone, thunderstorms, and being alone and abandoned herself

Fears: Thunder and being alone

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Royalty or Commoner?: Royalty

What is your family known for?: They are known for hosting amazing parties and performances that Bianca would take part in for the most part.

Any Skills?:
-Amazing singing skills; can hit notes perfectly
-Loves to make sweets and candy
-Picking locks to get into any room
-Great at archery

Any Abilities?: She is cryokinetic (meaning she can freeze water, create an ice barrier, can make it snow, and etc)

Weapons?: Bow and arrows

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Backstory? (Only a few bulletpoints if your lazy):
-She was born into a strict, rich royal family who had so many rules about a great upbringing; always expecting so much from Bianca and her abilities

-Bianca was to have voice lessons five days a week and perform at family and royal gatherings on special occasions; due to these expectations, she was not able to have many friends to visit to hang out with

-There was one time that Bianca had met Keith before he was ever adopted into the Claes family by standing up for him against his brother but only for her to be scolded by her own mother; the two not having been able to properly introduce themselves to each other

-Her mother and father were always expecting way too much from Bianca that there was one time that Bianca had tried to stand up for herself only to be ordered to stay in her room in the dark for a week (aka grounded); she had gained her fear of thunder due to this as this week was when it had stormed for a few days

-During one of the royal gatherings where other royal families would be invited to her home, Bianca had then met Katarina and Keith after her performance and became amazing friends

-Bianca was close with Katarina and told her of how hectic her life was at home with the expectations her parents kept placing on her when Katarina noticed that Bianca seemed to be losing her voice and soon Katarina stood up for Bianca against her parents and they soon stopped being too strict on Bianca

-Due to how strict her life had been, Katarina then welcomed Bianca to the group and from there Bianca met the other royals (Geordo, Alan, Mary, Nicole, and Sophia)

-As she got closer with her friends, she had gotten even closer with Keith and she soon was engaged with him before entering the academy as his fiance; she also understood and respected his circumstances with his sister and he also soon realized that Bianca was the girl who stood up for him before he was adopted

-About a few months later, Bianca's younger sister (Isabella) was born and Bianca had treated Bella like she was her own baby

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Family: Mother (Claire Angeles) Father (Dawson Angeles)

Siblings: Isa"Bella" Angeles (Baby Sister)

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Crush: Keith Claes

Relationship to Crush: They used to be really close friends and soon Bianca became his fiance.

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Song Theme: (Will Be Forgetting This)

Voice Claim: (Nene Yashiro- TBHK)

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-Blushes easily at any teasing
-Very overprotective of her baby sister
-Not aware of the other royal princes liking her in the academy; innocent to advances

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