Melody Adley

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Screen Name: BashfulHarmony

Name: Melody Adley

Nicknames: Mel and BH

Sweeps: As old as Sollux

Gender: Female

Sexuality: "Whats a...sexuality?" Shes into boys and girls

Blood color: Light Pink

Zodiac Sign: 💟 (I know I made it up! I know what a zodiac sign is!)

Personality: SHY, sweet, funny, smart, understanding, and caring

Body type: hourglass

Hair: long, black hair with light pink tips

Clothes: she wears a light pink crop top with her dark Zodiac sign cut into her shirt and a black short skirt with black heels.

Horns: pointy and short

Likes: gaming, joking, singing, drawing, making songs/music, hanging out with Jade, and cooking

Dislikes: being yelled at (especially if she accidentally ticks Karkat off)

Fears: thunder and seeing her friends drifting away from each othet

Crush: Sollux (if you have a crush on him then I shall use my oc#2)

Relationship to crush: Best friends (not enemies)

Moirail: None

Kismasis: none

Land/sea: Land

Type of Mage: Mage of Heart

Smut and/or cursing: Fine with both

-"A-are you okay?"
-"What is that?!"
-"Karkat, me and Terezi don't caaaarrrreee"
-"Hey Sollux! Have you done any new codes lately?"
-"Don't you dare pull that two face stunt on me, Vriska!"
-"Terezi, have we gotten any new cases to bring up to his honorable tyranny?"
-"Aradia? Are you okay? You dont seem like yourself lately..."

-She sometimes blasts her music in her hive (not that loud)
-She loves to help interrogate scalemates with Terezi
-She is known to sing REALLY good

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