Melody Rose Aveline

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Name: Melody Rose Aveline
Nicknames: Mel, Miss Aveline, Rose, Angel, and Kitty
Age: 17
Sexuality: Bisexual
Gender: Female
Mutant or human?: Half Mutant
If mutant, what are you?: Secret Angel
Skin color: porcelain
Hair/fur color: dyed light-pink hair (it was light brown before it was dyed)
Eye color: brown but turns glowing blue or glowing purple in angel form and red when angry
Body shape: Hourglass
Height: 5"2
Weight: 90.0
(as a kid)

0Looks: (as a kid)

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(as a teen)


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Personality: Shy until she gets used to the person more, smart, kind, caring, playful, innocent, and funnyLikes: playing piano/guitar/violin, making songs, helping out on missions in any way she can, training with the others, joke around Mikey, he...

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Personality: Shy until she gets used to the person more, smart, kind, caring, playful, innocent, and funny
Likes: playing piano/guitar/violin, making songs, helping out on missions in any way she can, training with the others, joke around Mikey, help Donnie out in his lab, invent, skateboard, read books, play video games
Dislikes: to see others unhappy or hurt and she sometimes does not like herself
Fears: Thunder and losing those who are dear to her. She is also afraid of herself.
-At a very young age, Melody was kidnapped by the Kraang. They have put a bit of mutagen into her blood which turned her into a mutant angel. Her parents broke into their secret laboratory with the help of a chip tracker they put on Melody, crawling through the vents to get to their daughter. Melody and her mother were able to get out of the secret lab but Melody's father did not make it out alive, sacrificing himself to save Melody.
-As a result to the kidnapping and fear of judgment of being a mutant angel, Melody and her mother moved to NYC and Melody was to be homeschooled. From the age of 7, Melody had hung out with her cousin April since she moved to NYC as she grew older. She did not tell April about being a mutant angel, having started hiding her wings under her jacket every time she hangs out with April. At the age of 10, she started having telepathy powers and would constantly accidentally start floating in the air while she's sleeping. This is Melody started trying to invent stuff so she would stop floating.
-At the age of 14, Melody was able to control whenever her angel wings would disappear and reappear. As a result of how she was able to control her wings, she was able to go to school with April and attending the musical and archery classes. She also attended some science classes. She was still trying to perfect her telepathy powers.
-At the age of 17, she decided to tell April about being a mutant angel since she trusted April with her secret the most besides her own mother. Upon hearing about the turtles from April, she decided to go with April to go meet her cousin's mutant friends
-Delilah Aveline (Mother;Younger sister of Kirby)
-April O'Neil (cousin)
-Kirby O'Neil (uncle)
-Kaleb Aveline (Father; Dead)
-Delilah Aveline (Mother; Alive)
Sibling(s): None
Pet(s): None
Crush: Donnie or Mikey
Relation to crush:
She loves to help him out in the lab and she is close friends with him. She also lets him talk about April or Casey to her while they invent because she knows his brothers would tease him about his crush on April or they would not listen to him.

Melody loves to hang out with Mikey. Wether it's to play video games or skateboard or help out in the kitchen, she always loves to hang out with him. She would also hang out with ice cream kitty while they are in the kitchen. He would teach her how to skateboard because she doesn't really know how to skateboard. She also helps him prank his brothers. She's best friends with Mikey.
Any weapons?:
-Bow and Arrows
-Ember Celica (Rwby Reference)
-Flexible; acrobatic
Any powers?: She has telepathic powers due to being an angel and her wings can disappear and appear whenever she needs them to
Voice claim:


Are you okay with cursing/lemons/both/none: Both
-blushes easily when it comes to someone teasing her or she would tease them back
-Is a musical prodigy
-She loves to help out on the turtles' missions in any way she can and would understand if they tell her she's not ready to go on missions yet

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