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Name: Melody Rose Rivera

Nicknames: Nova, Freckles, Songbird, Sweetheart, and Shorty

GamerTag: Hyper_Novaa

Age: 23

Sexuality: Bisexual

Gender/Pronouns: Female She/Her

Nationality: American

Body Shape: Hourglass

Hair: Pastel purple ombre; Hair is Naturally dark brown

Eyes: Dark Brown

Height: 5"2

Weight: 90.0


Looks: (Irl)

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MC Skin Looks:

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MC Skin Looks:

Personality: Understanding, Sweet, Funny, Smart, Clever, Clumsy, and Caring

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Personality: Understanding, Sweet, Funny, Smart, Clever, Clumsy, and Caring

Likes: Playing Piano/guitar, singing, playing video games (mainly minecraft), hanging out with friends, making TikToks, art, editing videos/photos, pranks, adventures, watching anime, musicals, and even picking on Tommy sometimes

Dislikes: Spiders, Being hit on in chat, and her clumsiness

Fears: Thunder, loud noises, and spiders

Parents: Mom, Step Dad, and Dad

Siblings: 1 older twin brother (Nic), 1 younger sister (Heidi), and 1 younger step sister (Charlie)

Any Other Affiliates: 1 kitten

Crush: Wilbur

Relationship to Crush: Friends

Voice Claim: (Mikey Madison- voice)

(Singing- BABYDOLL by Ari Abdul)

Song Theme:

Social Medias:
-Quotev (don't ask lol)

Quotes: (Optional)
-"I didn't fall chat- the floor just needed a hug."
-"You're an idiot.. I like that about you."
-"Charlie, you magnificent human!"
-"Don't tell me to shut up- that hurts my feelings.."
-"Chat... I love you. You all matter. Just know that each and every single day, the sun is shining for you all."
-"I don't... I don't want to talk about my damn dad....."
-"Shit! Thats what it means?!"
-"For the last time Heidi- I am not playing that Darn 'Bean Boozled' game! *15 minutes later* I hate you but love you at the same time."
-"Oh crap- Anthony Ramos really did that?! What a bitch!"
-"Chat... Pixel just rejected my love."

Are you okay with cursing/lemons/both/none: Both

-She loves all her siblings with all her heart- but has a hate love relationship with her step sister
-She goes on family trips with her siblings and parents except her dad
-Her dad abandoned her and her mom and brother to start a new family
-When she gets teased or made fun of... she blushes so easily!
-Heidi - her younger sister - loves to get onto her social medias without her knowing

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