"Monster" (Werewolf hizashi)

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You hosted a part at your house, you know, for fun... But as the night went on you noticed your friends especially the ones you are close to disappearing, you didn't  think much of it until your boyfriend mysteriously disappeared too...

You were pretty upset since you wanted to spend time with him, you decided to check the rest of your house to see if he went to any other rooms.

Yeah.... Big mistake....

You screamed in horror, his dead body... A human but monster looking thing stand over it.

It noticed you were there and turned around to face you, it gave you a warm but terrifying smile, "well, hello there darling~" it cooed (HELP- I'M SIMPING OVER SOMETHING I WROTE/TYPED-)  "what did you d-do?!" You exclaimed, it just chuckled and looked down at your boyfriends body and back at his bloody claws, "oh... I'm sorry, do- *snickers* well did you know him~...?" It asked licking its claws.

You just stared at it with a shocked face, you wanted to run away or call the cops but you couldn't, you were frozen there...

"What wrong, darling..? Cat got your tongue~?" It said with a smirk, "oh I'm sorry... It was very rude of me to not introduce myself, I'm hizashi, it's nice seeing you, darling~" it added, you opened your mouth to speak but it stopped you "*chuckles* no need to introduce yourself, y/n l/n~" it smirked at your even more shocked expression, you went back to the topic that was discussed before.

"why'd you kill him?!" You asked it sighed, "isn't it obvious.... Hm, must of not been as obvious as I thought, well I'll tell ya, he stood in my way~ he took you from me~" you look at it like it was crazy.

It chuckled again "what? *smiles* Don't remember me? *smile fades*"

"What...?" You said even more confused, "zashi..? Hizashi yamada..? Present mic..? Cockatiel..? don't ring a bell~?" It said raising an eyebrow, your mouth flung open "t-theres no way! You're not zashi! He's dead! He died 2 years ago!" You shouted, well,  better start believing it... Cause I'm here to stay~" it gave a sinister smile.

"No! There's no way I'm letting YOU back into my life!" You snapped, it seemed offended and took a step back, "so... You don't love me..? I thought you loved me-" you interrupted it, "I LOVED you... The old you.... Now j don't even know who you are... " you mumbled, "what could you possibly mean by that, darling~?? You don't like the new me~" You hesitantly shook your head, "well that's too bad~ the new me is here to stay~" it smirked again.

"You're NOT staying here nor are we getting back together.... I'm sorry b-" this time it interrupted you, "why not~? You think I'm a.... A monster!? It's not my fault, you know that~!  Darling, All For One did something to me..~! You can only blame him for this~ either way it doesn't matter what I look like or what happens to me~ you and I belong together, that is that, you belong to me, end. of. story.~" with every word it walked closer and closer to you.

You stepped back until you hit the wall of your house, it pinned you to the wall so you wouldn't/try to run away, "listen... I would NEVER hurt you.. I don't care if someone would pay me billions of dollars to do it, I still wouldn't, you mean a lot to me... If you just accept my love and loved me back like you used to then everything will be fine~! That's all I want, all I want is your love... Is that too much to ask for~?" It literally poured it's heart out to you right then are there, you weren't sure how to react...

"I-I'm sorry.. I can't! Not after what you did to my boyfriend!" It seemed to get madder, "he's NOT your boyfriend, I am, I've always been, that dead bitch on the ground tried to replace me~" you pushed it back.

You watched it stumble back a bit.

"I didn't wanna do this~ but I have to, since you won't accept my love I'll make you~" it stepped closer to you again, "this will only hurt for a second, darling~"


(727 words)

yandere hizashi x reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now