Ch. 10 I'll make you cry

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One of favorite chapters to write <3

Warning: Very explicit language.

Standing atop the mountain, Childe was forced to stare at the man in front of him again. Zhongli continued to avert his gaze, his eyebrows furrowed, sadness spread across his face, painted and etched into every corner of the flawless body he inhabited. Childe felt his throat close up, frustration, anger, fear, flooding him. The bridge of his nose burned and his vision began to blur, the muddy skies seemed to stare at him, laughing at his foolishness. If it was anyone else, he would've killed them the moment he knew of their betrayal. But he had never opened up to anyone else. Anyone else besides Zhongli. He felt like a kid again, wandering into the Abyss, innocent, and naive. But Childe knew that he was no longer that kid. He knew that the only resolution he knew to everything was fighting. And that was what he was going to do. 

"I'm not joking when I said I would kill you." Childe muttered, turning his back to Zhongli.

"You won't." Zhongli replied solemnly, behind him.

Child snapped around, furious. 

"You—" He dashed at Zhongli, a Hydro dagger in hand, as Zhongli sidestepped surprised, last second. With a snap of his fingers, the dagger materialized into two long swords. Childe clenched onto them, his knuckles turning white from the pressure. Zhongli clicked his tongue, a golden spear  appearing in front of him. He gracefully kicked it into the ground towards Childe, sending it spinning towards him. Childe leaped aside, sending a ripple of Hydro towards Zhongli. Zhongli put one hand out, a Geo shield appearing in front of him, staggering back slightly on the impact of Childe's attack. The spear returning to Zhongli in a boomerang, he made his first attack. 

With one stamp of the polearm, he summoned a geo pillar from the ground, narrowly missing Childe. 

"Nice try—" Childe began before getting hit by a wave of Geo damage radiating from the pillar, flying back.

"Shit." Childe coughed out, wincing at the bruise beginning to form by his hip.  Dissipating his swords, he took up a Hydro polearm.

"Now, we are even." He laughed, lunging forward. His spear clashed with Zhongli's in a series of movements where the two went back and forth repeatedly. Zhongli sidestepped calmly, but Childe could tell his breath was getting heavier. 

"It's kind of funny, how we are back, huh?" Childe gasped, sparks flying as Zhongli's spear clashed with his centimeters from his face. "Except this time we really did fuck." Zhongli's flashed flushed for a second, as Childe took the opportunity, the side of his polearm grazing Zhongli's cheeks.  Blood gushed out, dripping down Zhongli's face. "So you are still somewhat human. Not that I didn't know that, in bed, anyways."

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