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There is slight smut in this chapter so if ya don't wanna read it, y'all can skip.

Shirabu’s Pov

    I started to simply explain, “Well, yer safe, I’m not.”

    “What’cha mean you’re not safe?” he asked in a concerned tone. 

    I sighed, I need to open up to ‘im. Even if he’s mean, I won’t see ‘im again afterwards anyway. I won’t be part of the volleyball team after this. “I-I’m abused by my mother. She has a bi-polar disorder, so she can have good days, like when she met ya, or she can have bad days, like when she came back from her mission. She is badly aggressive and will even point a gun to yer…” I can’t continue, he can’t know more.

    “Just because her mental health is terrible, doesn’t mean this is acceptable. At this point, she should be in a mental hospital, not attempting to raise a family,” Semi explained. He grabbed some items for the first aid-kit, and he started to take care of my cuts and bruises. “You can continue, Kenjiro.”

    I nodded, holding back tears, “Well, w-when she’s i-in one of h-her bad moods, sh-she’ll point a g-gun to…” How should I continue this sentence? “T-to y-yer head. I’ve gotten used to i-it, but there can be t-times she a-actually has a finger on th-the trigger.” I really am worried about what he's gonna do with this information.

    “Like I said, it’s alright to show emotions, Kenjiro,” he responded. That took me by surprise. Usually it’s, Oh, don’t cry, wow, yer so weak, or even, I know someone who has it worse than ya.

    He finished bandaging up my arms, and now he was rubbing cream on my bruises. “Look, Kenjiro, that itself sounds rough and pretty dangerous. Plus, it seems hard enough with what ya said before. Ya really didn’t need us third years to be another reason for you to be self-harming.” 

    I couldn’t believe what I heard. Someone cares?! Semi was the first person to even believe me, and he didn’t poke fun at me. “Ya, ya actually care?”

    “Of course, but like I said, the reason is simple yet complicated,” he responded. “Now, do you have any other bruises on other parts of your body?”

    I didn’t respond. I couldn’t remember if I did have some on my hidden legs or not. Semi kept rubbing his hands on my legs to see if I would wince at any pain. “I think they’re healed,” I thought out loud. 

    “Alright, if you say so,” he replied.

    I saw his eyes travel across my body, instead with a different look in his eyes. A light blush dusted his face as his eyes wandered, along with his hands. 

    “What’cha lookin’ at Senpai?” I asked with a smirk. 

    He looked up at me with his own smirk, “What’cha think, Brat?” 

    “Hm, seems like yer getting a few dirty thoughts in yer mind,” I responded. His hands started moving up my torso. 

    “Well, what gave you that idea, Kenjiro~,” Semi asked with a hungry look and a smirk. 

    “Why else would ya have yer hands roaming over my body? Ya finished with the bruises, plus ya got a different expression than usual,” I explained.

    His smirk grew as I explained, “Is it bothering you, brat?”

    Why must he be so fucking hot? I thought. Yet, I don’t want ‘im to stop. “No, not at all, Senpai,”

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