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Few days later
Shirabu's Pov

I went downstairs once my siblings were signed into school. I saw my mom chatting with some man, taller than her, with black hair.

"Mum? Who's he?" I asked, ready to go back up.

"This is ****, the last victim's father," she replied, motioning me to come down.

"Yes, is that brat dead?" the dude asked.

"Yea, he died last week. Starvation," I responded in my cold tone.

"Good, now here's the 1,000,000 yen, as promised," he said, as my mom snatched the money.

"Great, and there's one more thing," she said, making sure he paid the price.

I went upstairs to make sure the young'uns couldn't hear anything going on downstairs. I went back downstairs and nodded.

"Yer coming with me, so I can show ya," she responded.

My mom led the man into the living room and cuffed 'im to the wall.

"This wasn't part of the Kritana!" he shouted.

"No, it's a deal I made with another," she responded, loading up the gun. Not this again.

She held up the gun and shot each limb. She shot both arms, both legs, the torso, the neck, and both eyeballs. Every gun shot, tears were building up in my eyes as I flinched. The blood from the shots couldn't really be seen on the already blood stained floor. Plus, there are bones and bullets everywhere. She threw the gun onto the floor and went over to the bleeding man. She used a knife and cut open each limb, starting at the bullet hole. She dug through each limb, breaking blood vessels, some organs in the torso, grabbed bones out as she pleased, and took the bullet and placed it on the pile.

Soon, the memory came flooding back like a wave. The memory that gave me PTSD in the first place. I was five the first time I saw her do it. I couldn't handle it then, and I still can't handle it now. Tears were threatening to leak out, I was about to break.

"Ya can go back down to the victim, I won't need any help up here," she said, a little too calmly. I nodded and quickly ran downstairs.

"Are you alright, Kenjiro?" Semi asked, worry in his voice. I went over to 'im and just wrapped my arms 'round his neck as my legs 'round his waist. I nuzzled my head into his neck, 'bout to break down.

He started to run his fingers through my hair, "What happened up there?"

I broke down, I couldn't keep it in. I just started to cry into my senpai's neck. The memory from earlier didn't fade, it got worse. The memory from the past came back. The very first time I saw my mom killed someone. I couldn't see anything other than the memories merging into one. I couldn't breathe, I just kept seeing the memory replay over and over again. Why can't I leave this loop?

Eita's Pov

Kenjiro's grip around my body tightened, his breathing became uneven, and his tears came down fast. Can ya get some kind of PTSD attack? He said he had that right? Is he having an attack? Maybe I should make sure his breathing is even.

"D-Don't sh-shoot, pl-please," Kenjiro mumbled through his sobs. Mafia gang leaders kill, right? Is it 'bout one of parents killing someone?

"Kenjiro," I started, softly and calmly. "you're downstairs with me. No one here has a gun."

"Sh-She's o-over th-there, b-bout t-to sh-shoot," he stuttered out, voice filled with fear.

Tell Me The Truth, Not A Lie (Mafia SemiShira)Where stories live. Discover now