The Final Battle| Chapter 6

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Kris, Susie and Ralsei walk back from getting changed, they stand next to each other on one side of the stage, the curtains open and everyone starts applauding at them even though they didn't do anything. Gregg walks on the stage in different cloths, it looked like they were his fighting cloths. He stood facing the three with a straight face, the audience stopped clapping, the air filled with silence, he held a microphone in his right hand, and without saying anything the battle began.

The battle began. The music played (Metal Crusher)(I know it's an Undertale song but they don't know that).

Gregg: It was nice meeting you all, now you must perish.

Ralsei: But why?

Gregg: Every person that comes on my show meets the same fate, we battle and I come out victorious, always. That's what people watch this show for, the death.

Susie: Well your death will be a great show for them.

Kris uses ACT, they make all of them use "Dad joke". The audience laugh and Gregg chuckles a little, raising the MERCY to 10%. Gregg uses "Sound wave", a giant sound wave rushes towards the SOUL, Kris dodges just in time.

Gregg: You moved faster than the speed of sound, impressive.

Kris uses ACT, they make everyone use Dad Joke again, everyone chuckles, the MERCY goes up to 20%. Gregg uses "Controversial Topic" everyone boos and the MERCY goes up to 35%.

Gregg: What! that usually works.

Kris uses ACT, they have enough TP for Ralsei to use "Thick frosting". They make Ralsei use "Thick Frosting" and Susie use defend. The frosting slows Gregg's attacks down by 50%, the more they use it the less effective it becomes.

Gregg: Ew! get this frosting off me!

Gregg uses "Presenter Voice", his voice goes deep like he's starting his show, everyone feels slightly uncomfortable, the MERCY goes down to 30%.

Susie: What was that voice!?

Gregg: You like? ;)

Susie: I will shove this axe up your ass!

Kris uses ACT, they make Susie use "Gooey Brownies" and make Ralsei use defend. The gooeyness slows his attack down by 25% for this round and is the same every time they use it.

Gregg: Stop making me so sticky!

Susie: Don't..... say that.

Gregg uses "Sound Wave", even though it's slowed down the SOUL still gets hits, taking away 20HP from all of their health.

Susie: How did you get hit!? it was slowed down!

Kris: I memorised the pattern it was before and didn't know there was another one.

Gregg: Memorising the pattern? talking like a real judge.

They keep going back and forth, Kris using "Thick Frosting" and "Gooey Brownies" and Gregg keeps using "Sound Wave". Kris gets hit a couple of times but it's nothing serious, until something strange happens.

Gregg uses "Sound Wave" but nothing happens.

Gregg: The hell?

He uses it again, nothing happens.

Gregg: Um, guys, it's not working.

Ralsei: Try it again.

He does it again, but to no avail it still doesn't work, they end the fight.

Gregg: That was weird, everything stopped.

Susie: Yeah super weird, I wonder if someone is doing it...

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