Collecting the SOULs| Chapter 14

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Ralsei: Kris, as nice as this is we need to get up.

Kris: Hmmm.... fine.

Kris stops hugging Ralsei allowing him to get out bed, Ralsei gets out while Kris sits up still half asleep. Kris looks over at Ralsei who is putting his scarf back on, Ralsei notices Kris looking at him and he gives Kris a smile, Kris blushes a little bit and Ralsei walks out to get his breakfast.

Kris: (What am I feeling? am I starting to have feelings for him? I guess i'll have to wait to find out.)

Kris gets out of bed and puts their armour back on after taking it off so it was easier for them to sleep. When the come out of the bed room no one is around, no one at the table, no one in the kitchen, Kris looks at the Madotas and it starts to phase out. They get in as soon as it phases out but the weird thing was that no one was in it.

Master heard it starting to phase out and ran to it but was too late, only Kris was in the Madotas. That's when everyone else came out of their rooms to see what was going on.

Susie: *yawn* what going on?

Master: The time machine! it phased out!

Ralsei: What? is that meant to happen?

Master: No! it's stable! someone or thing must have forced fully phased it.

Octavius: Right! head count everyone! Susie?

Susie: Here.

Octavius: Ralsei?

Ralsei: Yep.

Octavius: Toriel?

Toriel: Awake as i'll ever be.

Octavius: Lancer?

Lancer: Here! here!

Octavius: Rouxls?

Rouxls: Hereth.

Octavius: Kris?


Octavius: Kris?


Octavius: Kris! are they still in bed?

Ralsei: No, I saw them walk out before I went into the kitchen.

Octavius: Then that must mean...

Master: They can't be...

Ralsei: What!? where are they!?

Master: In the time machine...

Ralsei: What. Can you get them out?

Master: No, it's gone, only Kris can get it back to us.

Ralsei: Can you call them?

Master: I'll try. Kris? Kris? can you hear me?

Kris: It's.... cold.

Master: Kris! where are you!?

Kris: I don't know.... I don't know.... I don't know.

Master: Can you see anything?

Kris: N-no... it's just... darkness.

Master: What happened? how did you get in there?

Kris: Well when I walk out of the bed room no one was around, that's when it started to disappear and I thought all of you were in the time machine so I quickly got in.

Master: Well don't worry! we'll get you out! is there anything around you?

????: Kris...

Master: Who's that? Kris? answer me!

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