Just one tear| Chapter 9

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Susie and Toriel land on earth but the dinosaurs are still there. Susie gets her axe just in case there was one nearby and Toriel summons her staff for protection.

Susie: Ugh, still haven't got used to that horrible feeling.

Toriel: The more we use it the more we'll get used to it.

Susie: Right, where would we find a unicorn.

Toriel: I guess we walk around until we see one.

Susie: Do you have anything to put the tear into?

Toriel: Yes, I grabbed a test tube before we left.

Susie: Great! then let's go get us a unicorn tear.

Susie and Toriel didn't know where to start so they walked in the direction they were facing. When they were looking for a unicorn Toriel decided to make some small talk.

Toriel: So how long have you been friends with Kris?

Susie: Not that long.

Toriel: How did you become friends?

Susie: Well long story short, Ms. Alphys gave us a project to do and we were paired together, we had to get some chalk from the supply closet as Alphys didn't have any, Kris saw me eating it and I pined them up against a locker and was about to eat their face of.

Toriel: And you didn't?

Susie: No, because I thought it would be cruel for your to bury them, after that we went to the supply closet and proceeded to fall down to the dark world.

Toriel: Wait, what. There's a dark world in our supply closet?

Susie: Yep, it's how we get to Ralsei.

Toriel: Wow that sounds... very eventful, i'm glad you didn't eat Kris's face-

Susie: Shhhh, do you hear that?

Toriel: And there's a dark world in our supply closet, hopefully no one else goes in it-

Susie: Shhhh!

Toriel: Why?

Susie: Not to scare you but... there's a dinosaur above us.

Susie and Toriel turn around and see a T-rex standing above them with it's mouth drooling, it looked like it hasn't eaten in days as it was quite skinny.

Toriel: That's a... T-rex

Susie: You're telling me.

Toriel: What do we do?

Susie: Back away slowly and if it starts to chase us then run.

Susie and Toriel back away slowly and the T-rex starts to follow them, Susie was about to start to run until Toriel noticed how skinny the T-rex was.

Toriel: Wait, look how skinny it is, it looks so hungry.

Susie: Yeah, for us. We have to get out of here.

Toriel: Wait, you don't have anything to eat do you?

Susie: No, Kris has all of the food on them, I only have a revival mint in case for emergencies.

Toriel: Oh I know! we'll call everyone on our devices, see if any one knows what they like to eat.

Toriel lifts her arm up and uses the device to call everyone, everyone picks up.

Master: What is it?

Toriel: Does anyone know what T-rexs eat?

Ralsei: Why? what's wrong?

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