Reunion| Chapter 16

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Let's focus on Susie.

Kris: Why... why did I sell my SOUL... did I really want to be alone... in the void. The entire universe is dead, but how am I still here?

Susie: I guess that SOUL saved you.

Kris turns around as sees Susie standing there, it was only them, floating in the void, Kris walks up to Susie and gives her a hug, Susie let it happen as Kris had been alone for a long time.

Kris: How? how are you here?

Susie: I'm from a different universe.

Kris: Of course, the real Susie wouldn't survive.

Susie: What happened?

Kris: The universe exploded, it's just void now.

Susie: I know, but how did it explode? if i'm going to help you I need to know what happened.

Kris: The save file exploded causing it to destroy the universe.

Susie: The save file? how did it explode?

Kris: I think we were fighting someone so powerful that they destroyed the save file causing the explosion, everything died around me, the SOUL was taken away from me in order to survive, I didn't have a choice, other the person would destroy the other universes.

Susie: Hmm. I think I know how to save you.

Kris: You do?

Susie: Yes, before it was destroyed when was the last time you saved?

Kris: Before we fought the person.

Susie: Ok, here's what's going to happen, i'm going to go back there and warn you about the person, you won't remember this conversation as it would have never had happened.

Kris: You can do that?

Susie: I can try, and if I fail, then I'll see you here.

Kris: But won't the explosion kill you?

Susie: I'm from a different universe, it won't be able to kill me as i'm not from here.

Kris: Then I hope you're right, see you soon.

Susie: Oh before I leave, have this.

Susie grabs the SOUL and throws to Kris, they caught it in time and opened the glass allowing the SOUL to fly back into them. Kris thanked Susie and Susie went back to their last save file to warn them.

Time destroyer: You ready?

Susie: As i'll ever be!

Ralsei: I guess.

Kris: Yes.

Time destroyer: Great! then let's begin!

They start the battle but they haven't noticed Susie 2 yet, she just watches them. After a while all of them are down and the time destroyer stand victorious about to destroy the save file when Susie 2 stands in the middle of them and revives all of them.

Susie 2: I don't think so, you can't do that yet.

Time destroyer: Oh another one of you? then prepare to meet your doom!

The time destroyer attacks Susie 2 but no damage was dealt, he does it again but it still doesn't hurt her, all of them others watch what is going on not interfering. Susie 2 gets her axe out and hits the time destroyer, it does so much damage that it bring it to his knees.

Time destroyer: What is this! why aren't you taking any damage!

Susie 2: Don't worry about that, just worry about how one more hit and you'll be dead, but if run away now then i'll let you live, this is your only warning.

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