Chapter Ten

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"You think if I am blind, they'll take my eyeballs out and I'll just have two weird holes in my head?" YN asked casually, picking at her nails nervously.

"YN, you'll be fine." Steve said, scoffing at her humorless question and crossing his arms as he leant across from her on the wall.

"Where's Tony? He said he'd be picking me up?" Steve didn't let on, but the question hurt his pride, as well as making his heart shrivel.

"He's uh-" Steve grimaced, not wanting to reveal the truth. "Busy." YN nodded, shrugging her shoulders.

"It's whatever, anyway." YN mumbled, making Steve chuckle softly. "Did Tony talk to you about moving into the compound?" YN asked conversationally.

"Uh... yeah. What do you think about it?" YN shrugged again, sighing as she leant back in her bed.

"He gave me a job." Steve cleared his throat, urging her to continue. "As his assistant engineer." Steve nodded, scuffing his shoe lightly on the floor.

"And how do you feel about that?" Steve questioned, watching the woman readjust herself.

"Well, I did a five year course in Electrical Engineering after joining S.H.I.E.L.D," Steve smiled, in awe of this woman's capabilities. "But Fury was more interested in using my... field abilities." YN cringed, touching her bandage lightly.

Steve walked to her side, sitting down on the bed softly. "YN." Steve whispered, grabbing her hand at bringing it away from her face. "You are so much more than those eyes." YN swallowed, her face filling with color as her stomach fluttered. "There is a whole other person beyond those eyes. Beyond those powers." YN bit her lip, suppressing a sob of surprise.

"Thank you, Steve." YN said, moving her hand to find Steve's cheek. Before either of them could move, the doctor walked in, clipboard in hand.

"Alright, Miss. Gray. Let's get those bandages off." YN gulped, panic settling in her lungs.

"It's okay, I'm right here." Steve whispered, gripping YN's hands tightly in his.

The doctor moved to their side, lowering the bed as Steve stood on the other end, still holding YN's hands. Once YN was flat on her back, the doctor began to unwind the bandage. YN squeezed Steve's hand tighter, her knuckles turning white.

"Okay, Miss. Gray, could open your eyes?" YN's body shook with nerves, her teeth chattering unknowingly.

"YN, darlin', can you please open your eyes?" Steve sighed when YN shook her head.

"I'm scared, what if I can't see?" She cried, screwing her face up.

"YN, remember what I said? You're more than those eyes." YN sobbed, covering her face with her hands. "Do you believe me?" YN didn't answer, choosing instead to sob harder. "YN?" YN took a shaky breath in, releasing it slowly.

"Yeah... yes I- I believe you." YN answered softly, lifting her head up.

"Okay, well... Open your eyes for me." YN did as Steve asked, cracking her eyes slowly. YN blinked a few times, trying to clear the blur around her vision.

She looked up, searching through the fog to find the outline of her blonde friend. Steve held his breath, trying not to react to the scene in front of him. "It's blurry, but I can see." YN whispered, a smile gracing her face.

"Miss. Gray, may I try something?" YN turned to where the female doctor stood, still blinking. YN nodded, relaxing back into the now upright bed. The doctor leant over with a flashlight, covering her left eye and shining into her right, then repeating it with the left. As she changed to the left side, YN gasped. "Can you see out of your left eye, YN?" The doctor asked, making YN bite her lip. YN looked to her lap, to her fingers.

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