Chapter 4 - Mutual Attractions

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It was interesting to watch the four boys interact. Not just to get information but because of their different statuses, age groups and diverse biology.

Louis learned that Harry was the youngest of the five boys situated around the huge table – a fact that the other boys enjoyed to tease about despite his superior status as a prince. He also noticed that they were all conversing as equals when it came to their biological status. Zayn – the other male omega – and Niall were given as much respect as Liam – Zayn's puppy-like mate.

The most mind-blowing detail was that they even took Louis into their conversation. As a believed-to-be-normal-citizen his opinion should not have been of their interests. But here they were: a prince, two ambassadors (as Zayn and Liam had presented themselves) and a member of the Searching Troops – the local name for the Hijackers – and a nobody.

"So what's it like. At your country?" snooped Liam for the hundredth time. Louis was actually starting to feel bad for avoiding answering or giving as sketchy details as possible. The Bonded couple seemed sincerely curious to know about the country they have never been to. Definitely an uncommon occurrence to them when traveling was part of their job description.

All he wanted to do was go somewhere quiet to avoid the stares Harry had been giving him from across the table and take Zayn with him. He needed a peer support group.

Zayn, apparently, was not to be overestimated as he rose up and addressed the group. "I think I have something private to discuss with Lou. If you excuse me."

They retreated from the room together turning their backs to the questioning glance of Niall and two very lost-looking alphas without their omegas around.


Once they were on the within the four walls of a room couple of corridors away, Zayn turned to him. "You wanted to speak to me about Harry, correct?"

"Yes, I was wondering-, "Louis started and came to a screeching halt. "What do you mean 'about Harry'? I didn't drop any hints to that direction."

"On the contrary, your body language was nearly shouting it." Zayn commented.

Blast these observant omega instincts, damn all politicians.

Louis let his shoulders sag. "Alright, I have been wondering why I was singled out. If there is something wrong with me, or is it about me being a male omega. And about not being appealing enough to attract anyone."

Zayn smile represented a knowing smirk as he gallantly came to rescue Louis' bruised ego, "I happen to know a certain curly someone who finds you more than decent enough."

"Does he? That's not very reassuring, you know. He's the Crown Prince. It wouldn't look good on his image to have a history of male omega lovers. Moreover, I am a nearly 23-year-old, dignified omega looking for commitment. I will not become anyone's temporary bed warmer", he answered bitingly.

"Have you not observed Harry at all? He has talked about getting Bonded since he was sixteen and if I remember correctly he has named his future daughter Darcy by now." And seriously Louis shouldn't be as endeared about the big goof as he is.

"And he is very liberal about who he falls in love with. So is our law. It is not illegal to marry someone outside the Court, it's just uncommon. And as far as I see you are not a bastard son of some rise farmer with no manners and knowledge of world. I actually knew you come from a rich background the moment you stepped into the dining room." Zayn continued and Louis found that it would be him that Louis should worry about the most.

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