Chapter 8 - Negotiations

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"So this is the infamous Doncaster. It's," Liam looked around the golden fields and the charming little farmer cottages around them, "...quaint."

"If you wanted to say it's an antique piece of shit, you can. I think I heard it in subtext."

"I think it's really picturesque, Louis. I would like to paint it if I ever found the change to come here again." Zayn pointed out.

"You can have me as a nude model before that. Or Liam, I think he is all for it."

"No need to teas... WAS THAT A SNAKE!?! Zayn, let's turn around and find another way to the castle. This field is a snake habitat."

"My whole country is full of snakes. If you wanted to avoid them, you would have to swim in the river and I don't think your Mate would like that very much." Zayn would truly rather not. He didn't trust water.

And so the journey continued. The death threatening situations were left behind but the race with the time was still on.

The nearer they got the castle walls, the wealthier were the houses. When Zayn asked about it from Louis, he explained that they usually worked for the Royal Family and had more money for that reason. Liam was as curious and often got into the Prince's nerves. It was Zayn that broke up the following argument, gazing in Liam's deep brown eyes and promising they would find out all about the country if he just waited for them to reach the castle.

The said building came into their clear view not long after and it was as artistic sight as the others. It was made from a few shades lighter stone then Cheshire's and it had the air of an even older building – and it probably was. The entrance got nearer and they got a brief look at the gardens – very different in its flora – as they galloped to the gates.

They were all tired and hungry when the astounded guards let them in, informing that the King and Queen were holding a session in the Hall. With great effort and stiff muscles they all ran the way there – at least three staircases and seven long corridors as Zayn counted. Not that there was something to improve about his shape, it just had been a long night and early morning.

Louis, who was a bit ahead of them, opened the doors swiftly as they dramatically made their entrance to the room. They were, then, on the receiving end of many more unbelieving looks and stares. A woman with brown hair and friendly face rushed forward and grabbed Louis into a crushing hug. She was crying, tears streaming down her face as she begun to rattle on.

"Oh, dear. We thought we had lost you for good. When we heard there was an attack to the Church by those foul Hijackers and there was no sign of you..," she sniffed, "Thought you were kept as a prisoner but when no ransom came we got desperate. Thank the Lord you are okay."

Louis was crying now, too, both parties clearly happy to see each other. The King got forward too. He was younger than King Robin but had an aura of wisdom on him. Zayn would have painted him with blue on the background. If intellect came with a color, it would be blue.

"Were you the ones who saved him? We are in deep gratitude, how can we ever repay to you what you have done for us."

"Mum, it wasn't like that! I was not prisoned there, I was their guest. They are not bad people."

Louis' parents were now looking at him like they wanted to retract their earlier words and have their son back with his sanity still intact.

"What do you mean 'a guest'? They kidnapped you, didn't they?"

"Yes, but..." Louis seemed to be searching for words. "I fell in love with one of them."


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