
616 20 16

TW:Harm, Abuse

Murderer. Murderer. Murderer
Who's a Murderer?

Am I?


The slightly low and silky tone ringing in my ear. His grip so gentle on my thigh, as if I would brake. It's so cold, so very cold.
My body aches so much that I can barely move or open my eyes.

With all my strength I look up and see him. The light from the stereo (that is a blue light color, almost white) projecting onto his face, showing blood stains scattered around his glossy skin, he smiled at me before looking back at the road.
I couldn't talk for some reason. It hurt to swallow my saliva. So I finally gave up and closed my eyes.

I feel like as if I could die from how much pain I'm in.



It's been 3 hours since we got Chaeyoung back and it's now Oh, it's 2:35am.

So who, who is knocking on our front door at this hour?!
I sighed before getting up from the couch, scared shitless I first looked through the peep hole only to see Y/n's cousin. Yoongi?

Opening the door, something heavy quickly fell on my chest almost knocking me over, slowly sliding down. It
"Ah, I'm so sorry Jihyo, my hand slipped and she fell... but um. Tada! Y/n is now not lost!" He stated while he showed his gummy smile, as if nothing happened and he doesn't have blood sprayed all over his face.

"How the fu- "Jihyo I have to go now, it's hella late and I practice tomorrow, bye bye. Tell my cousin I said hi." And with that he ran to his vehicle and drove off. Leaving Jihyo speechless.(the woman was too stunned to speak HAHA okay sorry sorry)   with you... still sliding down her chest, unconscious.

Time skip

Now: 7:30am


It was a nice Saturday morning for the nine band members. Having nothing to day all day until around 5pm to join JYass in some sort of gathering for the company(and for the fact that Chaeyoung was missing). The girls could have slept in (and some did) but their body is so accustomed to waking up early that it just became a habit for little Ms.Jihyo. Said girl stretched out of bed and walked towards the living room, going very very slow. She couldn't help the feeling of forgetting something or someone.

'I wonder how Chaeng is doing, is she asleep? what about y- oh.' she stopped, reminding herself of last nights incident and her manager who was in terrible condition. She quickened her pace and went over to the couch to see if you were there, And you were!..

Jihyo stood there and stared with a slight smirk on her face. Now the Maknae was never the clingy type or cuddly type, to be fair, it was such a rare occurrence when Tzuyu would show her cuddling side that the band members would always cherish those moments. To Jihyo's surprise she was able to see both you and her wrapped in a blanket together with Tzuyu holding you very carefully while your head was leaning on her shoulder.
The leader couldn't help but take a quick little photo of it. 'Cute.'
She frowned a little when she walked closer to you, she inspected your sleeping form and specifically looked at the marks made on your neck and wrists. "Why would she do this?" She whispered, running her digit through the rough, bloody, tender skin marks. It was as if she pressed any hard she felt the skin on your neck would peel off from how tempered it was. Purple blotches and lines like a rope or a belt marked your neck. Your left wrist in the same condition while the other just looks purple and yellow. The leaders face just kept frowning, she didn't know what to do, she didn't... but she also knew she couldn't keep quiet. It would be too much for her heart to handle knowing you are going through this in silence. She pursed her lips and hesitantly woke up Yoda.
'Tzuyu.. Tzuyu wake up. We need to take Y/n to the hospital."
She stirred awake, smacking her mouth while looking around until Jihyo's words registered her mind. She then looked at you and quickly got off the couch and to her room leaving you and Jihyo alone. Not even two minutes later the Maknae comes out again in outdoor clothing and a sweater. "Hurry up and Change if you want to take her." She said, passing by Jihyo and back to your aid. Jihyo huffed before leaving.

She looked so pretty even with all her bruises, she looked so calm and with the way the curtain leaked sunlight onto your face was just ugh😫 yet I felt bad that you were in this situation. Last night you were so uncomfortable cause no matter where you lay, you felt pain somewhere in your body. 'Rosé...fuck her.'
Jihyo came out of the room so I slightly nudged on you're shoulder. "Y/n, come on dumbass. We have to get your ass to the hospital."
I really care about you.


'You have to run away, run as fast as you can and make sure that once you stop. You're safe. I'm so sorry this is happening to you. Go with Jennie. I gave her a call. She'll be at the ATM a couple blocks down where the Pizza place is.

I'm sorry Chaeyoung.'

I woke up, my heart drumming so hard I thought it would explode. My whole body was sweaty and sticky and I kept trembling with tears staining my cheek. "Y/n."
I quickly got off my bed and ran to the living room when I see Tzuyu with a big puffy jacket and a warm blanket in her hand as she was about to leave. "Tzuyu! Where are you going?" She turned around and her face looked so tired, almost pale. "Jihyo and I are taking Y/n to the hospital." "She's here?!" I asked in panic. "She slept here, she's in the car with Jihyo." "Can- "No Chae, you can't come.."
She paused as she looked at me with such a sad expression.
"I want to keep you safe."

The door slammed shut as I stood there.




It's been one hour and counting of him trying to tell his report the cops and as you can tell. It's not going so smoothly.
"And as you said, her name is Park Chaeyoung, daughter of thee owner and Boss of Tek Creations inc. ...Mr.Park?"
"Yes officer"
" *sigh* Look kid, I get it. You want to file a report on this guy cause he's big yeah? He's rich and you want some of his money right?"
His veins popped out of his neck as he tried calming himself down.
"No! Sir please. I need help. My cousin is no longer safe and I'm afraid that the people she's working with aren't either and they are celebrities just like me!"
"Hold on-

From afar. His group members were observing and eavesdropping on the whole conversation.
"Yoongi looks pissed"
"I would be too Jungkook, that's his only cousin!"
J-hope said while nudging the ladder. The rest of them just sighed and observed. Jimin seemed more uptight about it than the rest of them. No one could blame him though, you and him go way back. You guys have been best friends for as long as you could remember.

"Right, I'm s-sorry. I didn't know who I was talking to or who the other girls were. We will make sure to keep your names classified in this and we will investigate more on Mr. Park and Park Chaeyoung."
"That's more like it. Thank you officer but I have to admit... You're a bitch."
"The fact that you only now bother to actually listen and help me cause you know who I am is terrible. You are a cop, you help anyone no matter what."
"Right... I'm sorry."

He hung up and threw his phone on the couch while he sighed. Running his hands through his hair as he chugged down his beer.
"My cousin has the worst luck ever."

Jin walked up to him and sat across from him on the dining table. "Hey Yoongs... look I know this is stressing but we will all put a stop to this soon okay?" Yoongi only looked up at him. His eyes became watery. Jin caressed his hand across the table when Jungkook and Namjoon both gave him a hug. "I want to ask though." Said Namjoon as he took a seat.
"How did you even find her? Where did you find her and how is she even alive right now?"
Yoongi shifted in his seat as he gripped onto the beer bottle, Veins popping out.

" My cousin... she's unbelievable really."


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