Loving Bunny

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"Y/n? Hey come inside the car."

I ran inside the car. It took them about twenty minutes to get me which to me had felt dreadful, the fear of Rosé randomly popping up and having her way- no stop.

"Thanks yoongi..I'll pay you back somehow"

"Nah it's nothing but....why the hell is my cousin calling me to pick her up in the streets at this hour?!"

I looked back at him with a look of admiration and sadness. It really had been so long since we've hung out, he changed so much. When we were younger I used to be the one scolding him.

"I....my friend just had too much to drink I think."

I didn't want to tell him...I didn't want to tell anyone. I was about to get raped. Even thinking of it makes my stomach stir and gag.

He stares at me for a while before sighing.
He knows when I lie but he lets it slide.

"Alright.... just be careful Y/n. I don't want you to get hurt. Tell me your address, I'll take you home safe. Unfortunately you can't stay at our dorm because the group and I need to be somewhere early in the morning and who knows. anything could happen."

I smile to myself. No one really takes in consideration of my cousins kindness. At first everyone wants to run away from him...just like everyone sees me.

"Thanks bro."


We get to my house before Yoongi grabs my wrist and stops me from getting out. He pulls out a tiny box before flashing his gummy smile.

"Open it when you get inside. Love you, I'll talk to you when I get a chance alright? Bye!"

I wave goodbye at him before he speeds out the parking lot. I sigh realizing I don't have my key card to open the front door.

As the two cousins bid their farewells all Y/n could see was one last gummy smile of his before he drove off. Although right now. Yoongi is furious, no furious isn't even the word. His knuckles becoming even more pale than his skin tone from holding the steering wheel so tight. He noticed it, he noticed the purple blotch on  y/n's collarbone while her face kept making a disgusted expression.

He was glad he prepared that ring.


After many attempts of going inside my home I finally get inside from the backyard window. all that welcomes me is the pitch black living and dining room along with the unsettling silence.

I lost my appetite to eat and just take off my shoes and run up my stares to my room.

What does welcome me in the bedroom though is the moonlight. I look over and see the balcony door opened as the wind flutters the white curtains.

I sigh and furrow my eyebrows as I walk over to the door, closing and locking it. I take off my shirt and pants, kneeling down to grab my sleepwear. I really feel like collapsing and crying but I just bite my lip, trying to suppress the feeling of doing so.
Still kneeled down I suddenly feel weight on my back and a pair of hands hug my exposed waist.

My heart sinks. Rosie?!?
I snap my head to the uninvited guest.

"Nayeon?!...what are you doing here?" I exhale in relief and just stare at her face

She starts laughing hysterically at my reaction to her sudden touch.

"HAHAHAHA, I was here to surprise you with a movie night but you took ages to come back! Sorry I startled you"
Her laugh soon stops and the emotion of worry soon spreads across her face.

"Hey what's wrong?...you look sad." She says while gently playing with my hair

A weird fuzzy sensation takes over me. And soon Tears start to form in my eyes and soon they spill out.

"Y/n? ...Y/n why are you crying ?!"

Panicking, Nayeon brings me into her embrace and I hug her tight in return. Soaking her shirt with salty tears, both of us ignoring the fact that I'm basically shirtless.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Her voice comes out like honey and I shake my head in disapproval. She sighs before guiding me to my bed while laying with me. Comforting me in silence while placing soothing circles on my back

That night I cried myself to sleep. Except this time with someone to comfort me



Once I hear the younger girls gentle snores and finally steadied breathing. I relax my body

'Why are you so closed off?"

My worried thoughts soon come to a halt when I finally acknowledge the fact that I'm hugging a shirtless girl. My cheeks go crimson red while I quickly get off the bed and grab an article of clothing.

Slowly, I pull the shirt down her head and over her arms. Tucking her into her bed when I'm done.

The silence of the room fades when Y/n's phone chime multiple times.

Curiosity got the best of me. It wasn't my fault to be a little curious .
Besides Who could be texting her at this hour?

I tap on the notification that continuously keeps sending her text messages


Y/n. Why did you run away from me?
I thought you would react differently..

Am I not good enough for you? Did I say something wrong? Did I not look my best today??

Please come over. I really do love you
Did I not show that enough?!

...either way I know you'll come back y/n. You're clothes and key card are here.....I'll be waiting for the call~


Tears form onto the corner of my eyes.

I close the application and turn y/n's phone off.

I turn and hug the sleeping y/n

Crying silently

All that comes out of my mouth are strings of sorry's although I don't even know why I am apologizing.

'I'll protect you y/n. I promise....we all will.....I'm so sorry..'



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