An Unexpected Twist

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Temari knocked on the door and Sasori opened it smirking. "Come in" he said, as the three of us walked in. When we did it was already busy and full with the music blasting. I then smiled as Naruto walked towards me in a suit. "Hey" he said, as I smiled. He then handed me a drink and I sighed looking at it. "Naruto" I said, as he smiled and kissed my cheek. "I'm glad your going to trust me like this" he said, as I stopped and smiled. I took the cup and took a sip. "Naruto" I said, as he smiled taking my hand. "You should know something" I said, as he looked at me smiling. "Oh?" he said, as I grabbed his hand and his eyes widened looking at me shocked. I looked at Sasori and he smirked closing his eyes and pointed with his finger back. I walked and we walked into a room. "Mizuki" said Naruto shocked as I closed the door once we were inside. "Naruto" I said, as he looked at me blinking a few times. "The only reason I got drunk was because I was upset over you, I didn't know Itachi was going to do what he was going to do and once I did I stopped it" I said, as Naruto paused and smiled sadly. He cupped my face and I blushed looking at him. "I forgive you" he said, as I smiled and kissed his lips. He smirked and kissed me back. We then paused as the door knocked. Naruto growled and I opened the door seeing Sasori smirking. "Time's up there is a line up for the room" said Sasori, as I nodded. "However I can offer you an hour more for forty bucks" said Sasori smirking. "No thanks" said Naruto grabbing my hand and I smiled letting him lead me. We walked back to the party and Naruto twirled me in his arms. I blushed and he smiled. "Time to dance with me" he whispered, as I blushed and leaned my head against his chest. I was finally feeling happy again. When the party was over Naruto and I were hand in hand and just walking down the halls. "Are you sure you forgive me?" I asked, as Naruto paused and smiled. He cupped my face and kissed my lips. My eyes widened but I kissed him back. "Yes I'm sure" he said, as we paused hearing giggling. We then paused seeing Itachi and Sara walking with each other. We stood to the side and saw them almost lovey-dovey like. "No way" I said, as Naruto chuckled and lead me again. We made our way to his dorm and I blinked a few time. "Eh Naruto" I said, as he smiled. "Come on Sasuke won't be inside, he went home and won't be back till Sunday night" he said, as I smiled and hugged him. "Is that why you really didn't want to come over?" I asked, as Naruto smirked and kissed my neck. "You know I hate the idea of leaving you upset" he said, as I smiled and Naruto opened the door. I walked in and Naruto led me to his bedroom. He closed the door and I sat on his bed. Naruto took off his jacket and then smiled looking at me. "Can I have your t-shirt?" I asked, as Naruto walked to his closet and took out a baggy t-shirt. He handed it to me and I got up. Naruto smiled watching me as I walked out of his room and into his bathroom.

I got changed into Naruto's t-shirt and walked out with my dress in my hands. I walked into Naruto's room and saw him in sweat pants with no shirt. I smiled closing the door behind me and laid my dress on a chair. Naruto wrapped his arms around my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he hugged me close. "I promise to take care of your Mizuki" he whispered, as I smiled and kissed his lips. "I know" I said, as he pulled me to his bed and we slept side by side. The next day I woke up and moaned looking around. "Naruto" I said, as he groaned. "Five more minutes" he said, as I smiled and cupped his face. He smiled holding my hand and then he kissed my lips. "Happy you went to the party now?" he asked, as I smiled and kissed his lips. "Does that answer your question?" I asked, as he smirked and put his hand on my left leg. "Hey Naruto I'm back early and I-WHAT THE FUCK" shouted a voice, as we turned our heads and I sighed seeing Sasuke. "Hey Sasuke" said Naruto smiling nervously, as Sasuke growled. "You have got to be kidding me" said Sasuke, as I got up and walked passed him. "Nothing happened geez Sasuke" I said, as he growled. "It doesn't matter your still in his room wearing his t-shirt wearing your underwear underneath" said Sasuke growling, as Naruto sighed walking out. I then smirked and closed my eyes. "Who says I'm wearing underwear underneath?" I asked, as Sasuke blushed million shades of red and Naruto's nose started bleeding. "Eh Mizuki" said Naruto growling while pulling me close. I smiled and cupped his face. "Baka, of course I am... I just wanted you to think about it" I whispered, as Naruto blushed and had steam coming out of his ears. "What is going on?" asked a voice, as I looked seeing Temari wearing Shikamaru's t-shirt. "Hey Temari" I said, as she smirked. "So you got Ino's note?" asked Temari, as I paused. "Note?" I questioned, as she paused and chuckled. "Never mind" she said, as she walked over to me. "So feel like cooking?" asked Temari, as I shrugged. "Good they have a sale at the cafe today" she said, as I smiled. "Sounds good" I said, as Sasuke growled. "Mizuki" he said, as I sighed. "Sasuke, nothing happened and even if it did doesn't it really matter? We are getting married" I said, as Sasuke growled and turned his head. "Man this is troublesome" said Shikamaru, as Temari sighed and put her hands on her hips. "Says you" she said, as Shikamaru narrowed his eyes. "Your kidding right? Two girls in a guy’s dorm, one is already on watch because of her dog, meanwhile her fiancé drags her into his room, the best friend has a crush on the girl and while were all at it the girls are in t-shirts making all the guys think about underwear and are blushing while Naruto is having a river flow nose bleed" said Shikamaru, as I turned my head and my eyes widened seeing his nose still bleeding. "Oh Naruto" I said, as Temari glared at Shikamaru. I held Naruto's hand and we walked into the bathroom. I sat him on the toilet seat cover and held his nose up. "You don't have to do that" he said, as I put my finger over his lips. "Shush" I said grabbing toilet paper and slowly wiped up the blood. "If I can't at least do this than what kind of fiancé would I be" I said, as Naruto smiled at me. "Thanks" he said, as I smiled. "I wanted to do it" I said, as Naruto slowly closed and opened his eyes. "Not that" he said, as I paused and looked at him. "For what?" I asked, as he cupped my face. "For saying yes to marrying me... To tell the truth... I would have been a complete mess if you said no" he said, as I smiled and kissed his forehead. "You still are a complete mess... but I'm glad your trying" I said, as he smiled. Little did I know that Sasuke was listening in from the wall. He then stopped seeing Shikamaru looking at him. "It's time to let go Sasuke... if you don't you'll just hurt yourself more and more" said Shikamaru, as Sasuke sighed and closed his eyes. "Yeah... okay" he said, as Shikamaru smirked.

To Be Continued...

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