Regular Rules and Roommate Rules

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"Alright enough" said a voice, as we all stopped and turned our head seeing Minato. "Minato-sensei" we said, as he sighed. "I suggest you five split up, unless you want to see the dean first day" said Minato, as we shook our heads. "Then get going" he said, as we nodded and split up. I was walking with Naruto and in the middle of the hallway, I stopped grabbing his hand and kissed him. Naruto paused a bit shocked, but kissed me back. When we stopped and cupped my face with his hand. "What was that for?" he asked, as I hugged him. "Showing you, that you’re a better kisser" I whispered while blushing. Naruto blushed more and turned his head. "Why are you saying stuff like that?" he asked, as I paused looking at him. "What do you mean? You say stuff like that all the time" I said, as he sighed and hugged me. "Yeah but when you say it I... I" he said, but was interrupted. "Get the hots" said Sasuke, as we stopped and looked at him. "What the hell don't sneak up on us like that" shouted Naruto "Sneak up? I was behind you the entire time dobe" said Sasuke, as Naruto growled. "Shut up" shouted Naruto "Make me" said Sasuke. I giggled a bit and looked at Sasuke. "So who’s your roommate?" I asked, as Sasuke stopped and looked at Naruto. "You didn't tell her" said Sasuke, as Naruto growled. "Of course not" shouted Naruto. "Wait... are you Shikamaru and Sasuke roommates?" I asked, as Naruto growled turning his head. I smiled and hugged him "Aw my Naruto getting all jealous... your so cute" I said, as Naruto blushed more. "Mizuki" he said, as I smiled. "Okay... I better get to my dorm getting late... night Naruto... later Sasuke" I said walking to my dorm and walked inside. Once inside I paused hearing two voices. I walked to the living room and paused seeing Temari and Ino? "Mizuki hey" she said, as I smiled nervously. "Hey what are you doing here?" I asked, as she smiled. "I'm your new roommate too silly" she said, as I smiled. "Ah" I said, as Temari smirked pulling my arm to sit on the couch in the living room. "We need to set some rules" said Temari, as I raised an eyebrow. "What kind of rules?" I asked, as her and Ino smirked evilly. "Well first off... any of our guys are allowed to "Sleep" over, however the girl must come to any girl activity set up like a girl’s night out or something. Secondly we must keep secret about it and in return we girls have each other's back and thirdly..." said Temari, as she looked at Ino and nodded. "If any of the girls in this dorm are going out we must let each other know, or if they want a guy over alone they must let the other's know" said Temari, as my eyes widened. "Are you two insane that's against school policy... and... and what exactly are you two planning to do with Shikamaru and Chouji anyway?" I shouted, as Temari smirked and Ino smiled. "We were thinking in your best interests" said Temari, as I blushed and turned my head. "I'm going to bed" I said standing up. "Do you agree?" asked Temari, as I looked at them and sighed. "Fine" I said walking into my room and closed the door behind me. "This is why Temari is such an evil slutty woman" I whispered, as I got changed and went to bed for the night.

The next day I got up and made my way to my first class ever with my father-in-law Minato-sensei. Of course I had no idea in the beginning that he was my sensei. I started writing down notes as he started talking what we were going to do through-out the year. "So does anyone have any questions?" asked Minato, as I looked around the room to the other students. "I do" said a voice, as I turned my head and my eyes widened seeing... uh... Sakura Haruno. "Yes Miss Haruno?" asked Minato "Is it true your son is going to be married after College?" asked Sakura, narrowing her eyes at me and I glared towards her. He sighed and looked at her seriously. "What my son does Miss Haruno is really none of your business, and this is general studies if you want to learn about gossip I suggest you go back to high school" said Minato, as the whole class started giggling and snickering. When class was over I got up and walked towards Minato-sensei and he looked at me. "Minato-sensei... I... apologize about before" I said hiding my eyes behind my bangs. He smiled placing my hand on his head. "Don't worry about it, but I want you to have as much fun as possible here before you realize the difficulty of being married... understood?" he asked, as I smiled and nodded. "Yes Minato-sensei" I said bowing my head and making my way to my dorm. I then paused and saw a note on it. I took it and read "Hey Mizuki and Ino letting you both now Shikamaru and I are calling the room first find a place to stay tonight love your loving roommate Temari" I growled and started walking, I knew it was too good to be true my best interests yeah right. I sighed sitting in the cafe and I started drinking a fruit smoothie. I sighed looking through my book and then I blushed feeling warm yet strong hands around my waist. "N-Naruto" I said, as I paused feeling him kissing my neck. "Eh so you can tell" he whispered, as I coughed and turned my head. "I have been with you for three years of high school I think I can tell what my boyfriend is willing to do in public" I said, as he smiled and sat next to me. "Don't you mean fiancé?" asked Naruto, as I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Yeah, yeah" I said, as he put his hand over mine and I looked at him. "So? How was class with my dad?" he asked, as I smiled. "I have to admit I don't see the relation except for the hair and eyes" I said, as he smiled nervously. "Come on Mizuki that's not funny" he said, as I smiled and kissed his lips. When we broke I drank my smoothie looking through my book again. "What's wrong?" asked Naruto, as I paused and looked at him. I smiled while closing my eyes. "Temari kicked Ino and me out for the night so I have nowhere to sleep tonight" I said, as Naruto paused and looked at me. "She can't do that" said Naruto, as I looked at him. "She kind of can... Ino and I agreed to some rules and she let us know beforehand so now I need a place to stay for the night" I said, as Naruto paused. "Is that why Shikamaru won't be in his dorm tonight?" asked Naruto, as I looked at him. "Who knows" I said, as Naruto blushed bright red and coughed a bit. "Uh... well... if you want" said Naruto, as I paused and looked at him. "If I want what?" I asked, as he held my hand and came closer to me. "You can... stay in my dorm" he said blushing more while turning his head. My eyes widened and I turned my head. "Naruto" I said, as he coughed. "It's only for a night and besides you don't have anywhere else to stay" said Naruto, as I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Fine, but I'm not sleeping in the same bed with you" I said, as he looked at me. "Why not?" asked Naruto, as I raised an eyebrow. "Because you get perverted that's why, and I'm not too sure if it's safe" I said, as he smiled and kissed my lips. "Fine" he said, as I smiled.

We started walking towards his dorm and he opened the door for me and I walked in. "Hey dobe did you pick up chips like I asked" said Sasuke, as I growled a bit. "Get it yourself you lazy butt" I said, as Sasuke jumped up and turned his head from the TV and looked at me. "Mizuki" he said, as I narrowed my eyes towards him. "What are you doing here?" he asked, as I crossed my arms. "None of your business, and if you want something get it your damn self" I said, as Naruto smiled nervously and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Mizuki calm down I volunteered to get it for him" he said, as I glared at him, and Naruto jumped a bit. "That's a lie Uzumaki and I hate it when you lie to me" I said, as he sighed and kissed my cheek. "I'm not lying, and I already bought them there in the cupboard" said Naruto, as Sasuke got up and walked into the kitchen and I looked at him. "Don't let him take advantage of you" I said, as Naruto smiled and turned me around and started kissing me. "Who would guess my fiancé felt so strongly about my position in my dorm" he whispered seductively in my ear. I blushed and turned my head. "Naruto" I whispered, as he smiled and was about to kiss me again till a tin can was placed between us and Naruto kissed it instead. "Oi dobe, not in here that's a rule we agreed on remember" said Sasuke, as Naruto growled and let me go. I smiled and walked towards the couch sitting down. "So why are you here?" asked Sasuke, as I sighed closing my eyes. "Temari has the whole dorm to herself" I said, as Sasuke paused and looked at Naruto who was walking into the kitchen. "With Shikamaru?" asked Sasuke, as I nodded and slowly opened my eyes again. "So... you’re staying the night?" asked Sasuke, as he turned to look at Naruto who froze as he saw Sasuke looking at him. I got up and then started walking to the front door. "Oi Mizuki" said Naruto, as I smiled at him. "It's okay I can see Sasuke doesn't want me here" I said, as Naruto growled and grabbed my hand. "But I want you here" said Naruto "Naruto" I said blushing, as he pulled me towards the couch. "She's staying and you can't do crap" said Naruto, as Sasuke hpmhed and turned his head. "Fine only if you keep your fox hands to yourself you sly dobe" said Sasuke, as Naruto growled, as well as Sasuke. I giggled and later on that night I fell asleep on the couch. In the middle of the night I woke up and snuck into Naruto's room seeing him half on and half off the bed, and the blankets only covering his feet. I snickered a bit covering my mouth and walked in closing the door behind me. I picked him up and straightened him out on his bed. I soon paused and blushed feeling his hands on my waist. I looked at him seeing Naruto smirking towards me. "You know that's very dangerous" whispered Naruto, as I blushed more as he pulled me closer towards him. "I was only checking up on you" I whispered, as he smiled and pulled me closer. "Mizuki you are already getting me into trouble because I have class in the morning" he whispered, as I turned my head. "Then I'll leave" I whispered trying to get out of his grasp, but he wasn't letting go. "Naruto" I whispered, as I paused and blushed more seeing his blue eyes shining from the moonlight. Naruto pulled closer so now that I was inches away from his lips. "I missed this so much... having you so close yet so far from me tormented me" he whispered, as I turned my head away again, but Naruto tilted my chin back and he kissed me passionately. I took my hands lightly touching his face and kissing him deeply. We started making-out right there and Naruto leaned back so I was hovering on top of him, not breaking our kiss even once. "Oi Dobe" said Sasuke, as we stopped and turned our heads towards the doorway seeing Sasuke crossing his arms and glaring towards us. "Can't you knock?" asked Naruto "Normally yes, but if she's here than no" said Sasuke, as I sighed and closed my eyes. "Night Naruto, sorry I kept you up so late" I said kissing his lips and making my way back to the couch. "Don't go back in there or I will tell the dean" said Sasuke, as I looked at him and stuck out my tongue. He ignored me and went to his room and I fell asleep on the couch.

To Be Continued...

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