☆•°His Own°•☆

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⚠️Toxic relationship

"I said I don't want it!" Zuho yelled, his blood boiling and anger firmly steaming from his body.

He raised his hand at the end of the sentence, harshly hitting Changbins cheek and making him stumble backwards.

The boy already had endless tears running down his face, desperately crying as he didn't know what else to do or say anymore. His moving up hand on his face, hissing from the force and ache.

He looked at his boyfriend through his burning eyes, getting angry and at rage himself. His cheek stung with immense pain and he couldn't hold back anymore.

"It's your fault anyway! You were the one refusing to use protection!" He yelled at the top of his lungs, voice strained and almost breaking.

"Oh yeah? Well it's inside of you, not me! I'm not taking any responsibility for this!"

"Why not Zuho?! Why?! Why can't you just finally grow up?! I thought you wanted to spend your future with me... w-why are you doing this to me... to our baby..?" His voice became really small at the end, looking down to the ground as he felt his heart ache in his chest.

"I never wanted anything serious like that! If you want it so bad then fine, keep it. But damn it fucking leave me out of this! Leave me out of your life! It's over."

Changbins eyes widened in shock at the last three sentences. If he wasn't imagining it then his heart must've stopped.

Watching the other pack his things infront of him, not saying a word as he tried to believe that it was just a bad joke. He wasn't going to leave him with a baby right?

Zuho packed the few things he had over at Changbins apartment into his backpack and swung it over his shoulder, looking at the younger one last time before walking up to the door and opening it.

"W-wait!" Changbin called, making his now ex boyfriend look behind himself again. He had silent tears running down his face, unable to comprehend what was happening "y-you're n-not serious are you..?"

"Bye Changbin." Was all Zuho lastly said before he has walked out, closing the door behind himself.

Changbin trembled and cried, slowly falling down onto his knees as he sobbed and felt utterly weak, arms wrapped around his stomach in a protective manner the whole time.

He really wanted the baby. All he ever dreamed of was becoming parent and raising a beautiful, strong and healthy child. However he couldn't do it on his own.

He didn't know if his saved up money was enough. The money wasn't the only problem, but a child would need all his time and attention. He had to take responsibility and always take care of it.

Maybe abortion is the solution.


Changbin clenched his hands onto the back of Minhos shirt, shaking and crying into his neck without being able to stop himself from doing otherwise.

"Shh, it's fine. I promise it'll be okay" he softly said, running a hand through the youngers hair, the other one rubbing shapes into his back to try and somehow calm him down.

"N-nothing i-is going to be okay Hyung!" He sobbed, holding even tighter onto the other "i-i'm r-ruined and alone. H-he left me behind w-without any second thought about it"

"He didn't deserve you anyway!" He slightly raised his voice "I knew there was something off about him. I told you! I warned you but you never listen!"

MinBin // OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now