Chapter 10

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Hey guys! I didn't know this would be the last chapter but I decided to end it. I'm getting bored with this story and didn't want to continue it anymore. I will be writing a new story as soon as possible. I have some ideas for the new story. Thank you to everyone who is still reading. I hope you enjoy this last chapter. I love you all ♥


I woke up the next morning and I was alone in the bed. I frowned. I grabbed my phone to see if I had any texts. I had 3 from Jimmy, 1 from Katie and a text from Niall. I smiled and read his first. 

"Hey darling (: The boys and I went out to eat and do some stuff before the interview tonight. Start getting ready as soon as you get up because we have to leave by 4 and you don't have anything picked out. I would have woken you up but you seemed like you needed the sleep and you looked so peaceful so I just left you. I miss you and can't wait to see you again -Niall" 

I smiled but didn't text him back. I checked the other messages which all were just asking how things were and then Jimmy saying he needed me to call him. I quickly texted Katie saying things were great and I was loving it here but I missed her. I called Jimmy next.

"hello?" Jimmy said 

"Hey cuz, what's up?" I asked

"So uh.... guess who your mother ran into earlier today." 


"Well. It was uh. It was uncle Todd."


"Woah Em. Calm down. I don't know what happened really. All I know is he showed up at your house at lke 11 this morning looking for you. He heard about the accident and wanted to make sure you were okay. And then they talked for a while..."

"About what?! What did they talk about?!"

"You. Em, he doesn't think your mom is fit to take care of you and he wants to take her to court for custody of you."

My heart and mouth and stomach all dropped at once.

"Em? You still there" 

"Yeah....He can't do that right? He's been out of my life for like 14 years. He's just an uncle. Can he do that?"

"I dunno. I didn't want to be the one to tell you but your mom is a bit busy calling lawyers and shit like that." I didn't mean to ruin your break but....I thought you should know. Cam is calling me to help him make lunch now though so if you need anything, don't be afraid to text me. Love ya girl"

And with that, Jimmy hung up.

I started freaking out but then realized that would do me no good. I checked the time. "Shit!" I said out loud to myself. It was already 12:55. I quickly ran into the bathroom and turned the shower on. I hoped in not even waiting for the water to get hot. I shampooed and conditioned my hair in a minute and then washed my body in about a minute as well. I got out, dried off and put my hair in a towel.  I ran into my room and went through the clothes we just bought on our shopping spree the other day. It was quiet so I grabbed my speaker, plugged in my phone and blasted music. One Direction of course. I started dancing a little bit before getting focused again. It was about a half hour before I decided what I actually wanted to wear. I ended up with dark blue jeggings with a white frilly tank top. It was cute but appropriate. I picked out a pair of white sandals with a gem on the strap. I threw the outfit on and ran back to the bathroom. I had to blow dry my hair because it would never be dry in time. I finished that in about 15 minutes and straightened my hair briefly in 15 minutes. That was the only time I would allow myself for that because I still had to curl my hair and do my make up. I figured I wanted to do my make up next. I decided not to do that much after careful study though because my face looked really soft and doll like so it was perfect. I just worked with my eyes. I put a thick line of black eyeliner on and a coat of silver eyeshadow. Next, I put a lighter color silver on. I finised off the smokey eyes with a blueish silver. It looked amazing. I finished my makeup with 2 thick coats of mascara. My eyes looked really nice so I decided to take a picture for facebook. I unplugged my phone from the speaker and went to the mirror in my room. I took a picture and it came out awful so I took another one. There was a gorgeous view of Florida in the back and it was perfect. I uploaded it with the caption "Getting ready for an interview in FLORIDAAAA!!!!<3" Katie and 4 other people liked it within 30 seconds of me posting it. That never happens. I got excited and did a little happy dance real quick. I checked the time and it was 3. I had an hour to curl my hair. It took about 45 minutes to do it the way that I wanted to. I still felt like this was a crazy dream and it wasn't really happening. I was here in an amazing hotel room in Florida about to leave for an interview with One Direction just days before I would be singing with them in concert. 

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