Chapter 5

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We ended up stopping for brunch because we didn't have to be at the airport until 3 pm. When we left the restaurant it was noon time so we still had an hour and a half before we had to leave. "Mom! Will you please take Katie and I to get some new clothes to wear so we look extra cute when the boys pick us up? We have to make a good first impression! PLEASEEEEE!" I begged. Then Jimmy just had to stick his nose in and say we already looked cute enough. Luckily my mom understood and we got to go shopping! "Oh my god. I can't believe we get to get new clothes AND meet One Direction today. This is insanity! I'm pretty sure I will wake up and this is all just a big dream." Katie said so fast I barely caught any of it. I laughed. "I thought so too but I kept waking up and this is real life. This is honestly really happening. But hey we only have an hour so we're gonna have to pick some cute clothes and do it quick!" My mom pulled into a parking space at the mall shortly after and I jumped out of the car before she even turned it off. Katie wasn't too far behind. We ran into the mall and headed straight for Deb's. When we got in the store we decided to look around. Even though it was hot out I was restricted to jeans. Katie on the other hand was going straight for the shorts. She looked good in everything and anything. It wasn't fair how she could pull off whatever she wanted. After looking around I realized they would have no jeans here so I started looking for a super cute shirt. I found an ocean blue tanktop and I wanted to get that to go under my shirt. I pulled up the sleeves on my sweatshirt and realized that I could actually get away with a short sleeve shirt. The scars on my arms weren't very noticable. After looking around for probably only 10 minutes I found this shirt and instantly fell in love with it. It was a black and white striped shirt that said "Love Kills All" in red cursive letters. It was a flowy shirt and I absolutely loved it. Katie had picked out jean shorts that would probably go a little down her thighs and she wanted to buy her shirt somewhere else. After we checked out we decided to go to American Eagle. There, I instantly found some dark jeggings and bought them. I was done so I helped Katie pick out a shirt. "What kind of shirt are you looking for?" I asked her. It was almost the first time we spoke to each other since we got to the mall. That's weird. "I was kinda looking for a shirt like yours but not stripes. Stripes look horrid on me." my mouth dropped. "They most certainly do not look horrid on you! You can pull off anything you want and still look amazing in it!" I said back. She just laughed and we both walked to the shirts. After 10 minutes of picking she was choosing between 2 shirts. Both like mine but one was a plain pink that said "Reach for the skies and you'll always be up" I didn't really get it but if she liked it whatever. The other shirt was a dark blue at the top which slowly faded down the shirt to white and that one just said "I love you my dear." That didn't make any sense to be on a shirt either but whatever. After another 15 minutes of choosing she went with the blue one. Last thing to do before we left was change our clothes and then we'd be off! Once we got to the airport  Katie and my mom were talking about school and what will happen in the future. I was trying to listen in on their conversation when Jimmy looked at me and said "How long?" I gave him a confused look. "How long have you been depressed for?" He asked. I had to think back to the last time I was normal. "It was probably about three years ago. I had developed my depression practically the day dad died. I've had depression for nearly 4 years now. I have been sad since 5th grade because that's when the bullying started but that was just a sadness leading to depression." That was the only answer I could give. "And how long have you been self harming for?" he asked in a whisper. "since I was 13. Four years. It was the year after you left. I had no one to help me with bullying and I had no one. Katie was pissed at me nearly that whole year because of rumors so I had no one to talk to. No one to help me. I had nothing. Dad was sick and not getting better. Everything was falling apart and I couldn't take it. One night I just decided to do it. At first it was nothing big and there was hardly any blood but by the next week I had gotten to the point where blood would pour out in a red stream for nearly 5 minutes. I've learned to control it and depending on my mood how deep to cut since then but at them time I had nearly died at least once a week." He was basically crying now. He came over and sat next to me and just gave me a hug. Seeing him cry pretty much made me cry too. We probably looked funny to people walking by but I really didn't care. I was just so happy to have my cousin back. After our hug I pulled out my iphone and checked the time. It was already 2:00. We had a half hour left before we got on the plane. I still had no idea how long we were supposed to stay in Florida for so I went to look at the tickets. "Hey mom can you give me one of the tickets? I just want to see how long we are supposed to be staying for." She nodded and started digging through her purse. "Shit." I looked at my mother. "What's wrong? Oh you don't have the tickets do you?" she shook her head. "YOU NEED TO LEAVE RIGHT NOW AND GO GET THEM! WE HAVE A HALF HOUR LEFT BEFORE WE NEED TO GET ON THE PLANE! LEAVE RIGHT THIS SECOND!" I yelled right in the middle of the airport. Right then my mom got up and started shoving through people to get out of the airport. I was nearly freaking out now so Jimmy and Katie had to sit on either side of me and just hug me and keep me calm. This could only happen to me. I kept checking my phone every 5 minutes to see if we would make it. My mom wasn't back and I heard the lady say "Flight 346 is now boarding. Flying from Atlanta, Georgia to Miami, Florida. The flight is now boarding." My face dropped. I almost started crying right there. "Hey boo don't worry. We have 5 minutes to get on. I'm sure your mom will be back." Katie always tried making me feel better. Just then I heard a familiar voice shouting "EM, KATIE, JIMMY! I GOT THEM! I GOT THE TICKETS! I JUST MADE IT BACK IN TIME!" I ran to grab the tickets from my mother. I gave a quick hug and kiss to her, said goodbye and headed for the plane. The lady grabbed our tickets and gave us the bottom half back because that was our tickets to get home. "Oh god we just made it. I almost started crying right there. We almost didn't make it!" I said. Jimmy and Katie nodded in agreement. Once we got on the plane and loaded our bags where they needed to be I sat down with my headphones and ipod and waited to take off. "Just think, in less than 2 hours we will be in the car with One Direction!" Katie pointed out. I smiled a huge smile and then the plane was about to take off. I turned on my music when it was safe too and I fell asleep. When I woke up I heard Katie and Jimmy talking to I pretended to stay asleep. I heard Jimmy saying something about my cutting but was halfway through the sentence so it made no sense. But then Katie said "I dunno. it's not really something people want anyone knowing. Emily only told me because I told her that I had cut too. She didn't want you to find out like that. We were talking while you guys were watching movies and she was asking me ways to tell you. It's a hard thing to do though." Katie always makes everything sound better. Jimmy just sighed and then said, "It's just horrible that people make her feel so bad that she has to do that to herself. Why don't people like her though? She's gorgeous and super sweeet and funny. If I wasn't her cousin I would fucking date her in a heart beat. I don't get it. Your school is fucked." he sounded so upset. Katie couldn't think of what to say really because all she replied with was "I know this and you know this but i guess people in our school don't see it. And remember it's now your school too. It's not even hers anymore. She is all done. Oh wait. I think she actually has to come back and take like electives and shit. I don't think the graduation she did really counted. But she can leave after a half day every day if she wants. I don't really know." Just then I heard the flight attendant signal us to turn off our electronics and that was my clue to wake up. Ten minutes later the plane landed and I grabbed my bags and we did the normal stuff you do when getting off a plane. The time said that it was 3:58 so I figured the boys would be waiting for us already. I looked around but didn't see them anywhere. I figured they were just coming at exactly four so I sat down on my bags and Jimmy and Katie did the same. We waited and waited and the never showed up. "Ugh I knew this was all too good to be true. It's been a half hour and they aren't here yet. Let's just leave." Then I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked and no one was there. I looked to the other side. No one. I looked back to the other side and there was no one there. What the hell just happened. I looked at Katie and Jimmy who were laughing histarical. I turned around completely and shouted, annoyed, "What do you want?!" Then I stopped and saw who it was. I gasped, "Harry."

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