Chapter 2

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Authors note: this chapter is not giong to be very great. I just typed a 3 page history page and I am not in the greatest writing conditions.  It will get betterrrrr! Kay byeee

As the days went on, nothing happened. I had become so bored with my life. I had no siblings to keep my life exciting, I had no father and my mother hated me basically after I showed her my cuts. I had bumped it up to every night now. I cut every single night. Katie and I were still talking every day and she was like my therapist. She was there for me every second and I loved her for that. I could not ask for a better best friend. It was Saturday morning at 11:30 and my mom came in and told me she made me breakfast. I went downstairs and I noticed on the table there were pancakes, waffles and eggs. I had no idea why she had made so much food. "Hey mom why did you-" I started but was cut off when a guy about my age walked in the kitchen. "Hey Auntie Stacy where is the toilet paper? There is none left in the bathroom." the boy said. Oh my god could it really be my cousin Jimmy?! I haven't seen him in forever! He didn't even look the same. Jimmy was a year younger than me but he looked older than me now. He had grown up into a good looking kid quite honestl. I looked at my bare arms and quickly ran upstairs to my room and put on a sweatshirt. When I came back down I heard Jimmy ask my mom what was wrong with me. Of course. Now he thinks I'm a freak too. Jimmy and I were best friends growing up. We hung out all the time and always played together. Then when he turned 11 and I was 12 he and his mom moved away to Australia and we never saw or heard from them again. That was 5 years ago however. "JIMMMYYYYYY!!!! I HAVE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" I screamed as I ran down the stairs and jumped in his arms to give him a hug. He laughed and just squeezed me so much I thought I was going to die. "Are you going to go to my school? Are you back here forever? Are you going to live here? What happened to your mom? Where is she?" I just kept blurting out questions. He laughed so I stopped. "Alright well yes I will be going to your school. I am back here for at least the next 2 years. I am going to live here and my mother is not here because she died in a car accident 3 months ago in Australia so I came back here because I have no where else to live." he said to me. I started crying. "Aunt Carlee is dead?! Oh my god that is so horrible I am so sorry for you Jimmy!" He shook it off like it was no big deal. Me and Jimmy spent the rest of the day together. After we watched a couple movies we decided it was really nice so we were going to take a walk and get some icecream. We were almost at the icecream place and Jimmy just told me a joke so I was laughing when all of a sudden i heard "LADY WATCH OUT!" I didn't know who said it so I turned around to see and right then I saw a big black car coming at me sideways. I screamed and next thing I knew everything went black.

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