Chapter 7

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There we sat. Niall and I just sitting and staring at each other. His eyes were so gorgeous I couldn't believe it. I was in love with them. "Sooooo......I'm really excited we got to meet. When I read your email my heart literally broke in two. It's horrible that anyone would have to go through that much pain in their life. And I know that I've only like known you for about...not long at all but if you ever need someone to talk to, I'll listen. I'm a pretty good listener and-" I cut  him off because he was just rambling on and on about a bunch of useless stuff. I was laughing and he stopped talking. "Thank you Niall. It really means a lot. Do you mind if I just kinda talk about some stuff right now? It's really been bothering me?" He nodded and with that, I began telling him all about when I became friends with Katie, how I was jealous of her, Jimmy being my best friend, him leaving and my cutting. I told him about my dad and my mom not being the same. I told everything, my whole life story to this boy I just met and he listened. To all of it. I'm pretty sure he almost cried a couple times too. He came a little closer and gave me the biggest hug ever. I almost started crying but I held back my tears. I didn't want to cry in front of him just yet. I heard the click of an iphone camera going off, then another and one more and I jumped out of Niall's arms. "Holy shit you guys! I didn't know you were back!" I yelled. They all started laughing and then Katie's face fell serious. I gave her a puzzled look and everyone seemed to notice because they all got serious too. "Something happened and I have to go back home. I just bought my ticket and I'll be leaving tomorrow morning." Katie said. My face dropped but she came close and whispered to me that I needed to have the best time without her anyway because I deserved it. I love her. Luckily, none of her stuff was really unpacked so we only took about 4 minutes to put everything back. "Hey I'm hungry, do you want to go out to eat or something?" Niall said talking to no one in particular. "We all grabbed a bite to eat while we were out for about 2 hours so why don't you two go get something and we'll meet you back here in a little while" Liam said. Louis was staring at me like he was dazed. I snapped in front of him and he didn't look away. That's kind of interesting.....Louis is always so happy and upbeat. Niall and I said goodbye to everyone and decided to go out to a little cafe about 15 minutes away. I asked him if I could put my iphone on and play some music. He told me I could so I put on Little Things. We both smiled and I started singing. He didn't sing and I had a feeling he was waiting for the actual parts that he sang. I turned it up quite loud and I sang with it. I was really getting into the song when I felt Niall just staring at me. I looked over and he just smiled. "You sing amazing you know." He said. I felt my face getting hotter and I smiled. I just kept singing the song. Finally Niall's solo. I stopped singing  and let him take over. He looked at me before he started singing and continued looking at me for most of the solo. "You'll never love yourself half as much as I love you. And, you'll never treat yourself right, darling but I want you to. If I let you knoooooooowww I'm here for you, maybe you'll love yourself like I love you ohhh" It was complete perfection. It was more perfect live than on my phone. I was in awe. We both sung the next part and we sounded honestly amazing. The next song that came up was Heart Attack. We both sang the whole song. "And I'm like OW!" Niall and I said it simultaniously and it was exactly like the song. I started cracking up and he started laughing too. I was laughing so hard I almost had tears in my eyes. That song finished a lot quicker than I though and the next song that came up, I never in a million years would have guessed Niall Horan of One Direction would know it. The song was "Cute" by Stephen Jerzak. I sang most of this song but not all of it. I looked over at Niall focused on the road, singing. He looked at me and said "Was it love at first sight, cuz I walked by last week." I shook my head no and  then started laughing because I couldn't even be serious with him. He was too much fun. After singing about 2 more songs, we got to the cafe. It was such a cute little place. We walked in and sat in a booth for 2 people. A waitress came over and asked us if we wanted a coffee. I shook my head and asked for a water instead. Niall ordered some fancy coffee that I've never even heard of. While we were waiting for our drinks, I was looking around. The cafe was a light yellow color and there was a brown border with little coffee cups right in the middle. It was a cozy little place and it kind of reminded me of a movie. I looked at Niall and noticed he was already looking at me. "What?" I asked him. He shook his head and laughed a little. He had the most adorable laugh ever. "Nothing. I just- I can't imagine why you don't have a boyfriend. You're a beautiful girl and any guy would be lucky to have you." Niall started blushing a little while he was saying that. I smiled uncontrollably. He was about to say something else when the waitress came and handed us our drinks. She also obviously handed Niall a piece of paper which probably had her number on it. Typical 18 year old girl thing. I chuckled to myself and Niall laughed as well. "What's it like getting a girls number wherever you go?" I asked him curiously. "Well, It's kinda fun sometimes cuz I often take numbers and use them for prank calls. I never run out of numbers to prank call." He was laughing really loudly and I just got lost in the sound. He has the most amazing laugh I have ever heard. He's not afraid to show it off and it's adorable. A couple minutes later, the waitress came back and she was staring at Niall the whole time. I was holding in my laughter when she asked me what I wanted because she was either glaring at me or not even looking at all. When we ordered our food, she walked away and she was still staring at Niall. Niall and I started talking about random facts and family stuff. We learned a lot about each other in the 3 and a half hours we were at the cafe. By the time we got back to the hotel it was 11 pm. Niall and I had gotten really close really fast and I felt like I've known him forever. Cliche right? It was true though. When we walked back into the room everyone was sitting on the couch watching a movie and Jimmy was sitting alone in a chair. Katie was placed nicely on Liams lap and I smiled when I saw them. "Hey you two! What took you so long?" Harry exclaimed. "We uh got held up talking at the cafe." Niall said hesitantly. The conversation ended there because they were watching the movie. I was tired but I didn't want to go to bed yet. Niall sat down in the other chair in the room and after looking around, patted his lap motioning for me to sit down. I eagerly took the offer and sat in the chair with him. I could have sworn I was dreaming. When the movie finished, Katie announced she was tired and wanted to go to bed so we needed to figure out sleeping arrangements. There were 3 rooms to split between the 8 of us. Naturally Jimmy, Katie and I would have slept in the same room and the boys could split up into the other 2 rooms but Liam said he wanted to be with Katie and Niall then took that as a chance to say he wanted to stay with me. Zayn shouted that he wante to be with Jimmy. I guess they became best friends while I was gone.  "Okay so since you bitches gotta ruin it, let's make a new sleeping chart. In this room I guess it will be Katie and Liam . In the next room it will be Niall and Emily and in the last room Jimmy, Zayn and myself." Louis said easily. We all nodded in agreement, grabbed our bags and slipped into our rooms. I got a text from a random number as I entered my room. When I read the text, my face went blank and I dropped my phone and jaw simultaniously. Niall came out from the bathroom already changed and asked me what was wrong. He picked up my phone and I'm assuming he read the text. "Who's Jason?" he asked. I couldn't answer. I grabbed my phone and read the text again. "Hey babe it's Jason. I'm just texting you to let you know I miss you so much. What I did to you was horrible and I am so sorry. I have been thinking a lot the past few days and I just needed to text you. I miss you and I would do anything to have you back in my life. If you forgive me, text me. If not....well I understand, I was an asshole and I'm sorry." Oh my god. "Jason was my boyfriend from age 13 until age 16 and a half. We dated for 3 and a half years and we broke up because he cheated on me and when I confronted him about it, we got in a huge fight and he hit me. I told him I hated him and never wanted to talk to him again. It worked until now. I haven't talked to him in about a year and a few months." I was in complete shock. I didn't know what to do. "Should I text him back?" I asked. Niall looked worried. "I don't think so. He abused you and that's never okay. I don't know if it's such a good idea..." He sounded truly worried. I decided not to text him back right away. I had a feeling I'd end up texting him but I didn't want to do it in front of Niall. I went into the bathroom to change. Since it was summer, I decided to put on shorts and a tanktop because it was about 85 still even though it was midnight. I walked into the room, forgetting about my cuts and Niall looked at me. I believe I actually heard his heart break into a million pieces. Our eyes met, he came to give me a hug and we just sat there hugging for about 10 minutes. When I pulled away, he leaned down to kiss my arms and legs. It was official. This is definitely a dream. He took my phone from my hand and did some stuff. He set my lock screen to a picture of him saying "remember, you are perfect." He set my home screen to the picture of us hugging and he put his number in my phone as 'A Hottie Called Niall Horan'. "If you EVER need me, I'm just a phone call away." he said. I gave him one last hug and we went to our seperate beds. I decided now would be a good time to text Jason back. I didn't know what to say so it took a half hour before I decided to just text "I don't really know how to respond to that." I got a text back within seconds. Jason and I ended up talking for about an hour before getting into another huge fight. I guess we weren't meant to be. Our conversation ended scarily similar to the last time. I got up and walked into Niall's room. His door was closed so I decided to knock before I walked in. He opened the door and he was in shorts and he had no shirt on. He looked tired and his hair was a mess but he still looked perfect. I was crying so he perked up real quick. "Em, what's wrong?" He pulled me in for a hug and he was so warm. It was 1:30 in the morning now and I was colder than before. "I texted Jason back and we got into another huge fight and I should have listened to you. I'm so sorry and I feel horrible now." he just sat there hugging me. "Don't be sorry. That guy is an asshole. He's missing out if he lets you go. Don't even think about him anymore. Do you wanna come lay with me?" I nodded and together we walked into his bed. I layed down on one side of the bed and he layed on the other. I soon rolled over though so we were facing each other. We talked for about 15 minutes and I read him some of the texts between me and Jason. He pulled me closer and that's how I fell asleep. In the arms of Niall Horan. 

"Shhhh! Shhhh!" I heard someone say. I don't know who it was but it was a boy. I remember falling asleep with Niall last night so I knew they were taking more pictures. I decided not to wake up until I heard the camera shutter a few more times. I got up and pushed Niall a couple of times so he woke up too. I looked at Katie and mouthed "Send them to me." she laughed and nodded. Katie grabbed her bags and started piling them near the door. I knew she was leaving soon and I was sad. I wanted to spend the whole week with her AND the boys. "OH WAIT! Before I leave, all of us have to take a picture together!" Katie said as she took out her phone. I went to get some pants on and then we all piled together to take a picture. It was basically only our faces because there was 8 of us and the camera wasn't that big but it was still perfect. We all made funny faces and I loved it. Katie sent that to me right away and i set it as my profile picture on Facebook and posted it on twitter, tagging the boys. They all retweeted it. I was so happy they followed me now. I got about 25 likes on my picture in the first 2 minutes it was posted. I felt special because people knew that I had met One Direction. I looked at Niall and he smiled at me. We all got in a huge group hug and then Liam left with Katie to bring her to the airport. I said goodbye to her and told her I would text her and pop in on her skype calls with Liam sometime. She gave me and Jimmy one last hug before leaving. Louis looked at me like I was hurt and then came to give me a big hug. After a minute, I went in and started making breakfast. I looked at the time and it was 10 am. I got out pancake mix, eggs and bacon and started making it all. Niall walked in and put his arms around my waist. "Want some help?" He whispered in my ear. His accent was a lot stronger than it usually is. I nodded and he started helping me make all the stuff. Louis was glaring at Niall and I caught the last second of it. He knew I was looking at him so he just gave me an appologetic look and continued setting the table. After we made breakfast and ate it, Liam came back. I laughed at the timing how he came back as soon as we were done eating. I went to my room to find my phone, and when I found it, I had 4 pictures from Katie and and I knew what they all were. Niall and Liam left for a minute to get something from Liam and Katie's room but Harry, Louis and Zayn were still here. I went to go back out but I stopped when I heard them talking.

"Boys, I don't know. This is bad. I know her and Niall have a thing but she's gorgeous and so much fun. I think I'm really starting to fall for her." I heard Louis say. I moved a little closer so I could see them. Harry was shaking his head and Zayn was pacing back and fourth. "I think you gotta let her know man. It's obviously hurting you and I'm pretty sure it will make things easier." Louis shook his head no. "No. I can not do that to Niall. If she's happy with him, I want her to stay happy. Niall's one of my best friends and I won't do that to him. I'll just keep it to myself." Louis said. I slammed my door shut and they stopped talking. I walked back into the living room and it felt kind of tense. Niall walked back into the room and sat down next to me. Louis got up and left saying he was going swimming. I knew that things wouldn't be normal anymore. I knew I had to talk to Louis, I just didn't know how. "So did you all know that Emily can sing very well?" Niall shouted breaking the silence. "Let's hear it." Harry said nonchalently. We al sat there in silence and I knew no one was going to do anything until I sung so that's what I did. I sung Summer Love and their jaws dropped. "You're amazing!" Liam said. "Yeah I agree!" Harry chimed in. Zayn called for the boys to huddle in and then when they looked up Zayn smiled and gave me the best, most terrifying news ever. "You're singing with us at the next concert."

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