Chapter 3

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When I woke up again I was in this room. I couldn't remember anything but after like 3 minutes I remembered everything. My name is Emily and my mother is Stacy. My aunt Carlee is dead. I was walking with my cousin Jimmy when a car came from out of no where and hit me. I looked up and I saw Jimmy, Katie and my mother sitting in the room. It's sad that I have no one else who even cares to be here for me after I was just hit by a car. "What day is it?" I asked no one in particular. "It's Monday honey." my mother said. Oh god I have been asleep for a whole day. "hey can someone go get me a frozen strawberry lemonade from McDonalds pleas? I really want one." i asked randomly. "Don't you want anything else to eat?" Jimmy asked. I shook my head. I felt a breeze and I didn't know why. I looked down at my arms at that moment. Fuck. My bare arms. Being shown to the whole world. But mostly, Jimmy. He stood up and gave me this worried look before leaving the room. "He hates me now doesn't he?" I asked. My mother shook her head and then walked towards me. She grabbed my hand. "Listen sweetie. Jimmy doesn't hate you but he is a little upset that you didn't tell him and that you would do something like that. He clearly doesn't blame you but he doesn't understand why. And neither do I." she said. I felt the tears starting to form. "that's the thing mom. No one understands. No one ever will. You will never understand until you have to go through this pain. I suffer everyday and neither you nor Jimmy or anyone else for that matter, will every single day. I threw my head back and I was crying now. My mom told me to calm down because it wasn't good for me to be crying with my conditions. I asked her to leave and I stopped. It was just me and Katie now. "are you alright?" she asked and I just shook my head. She came and sat next to me. She was just hugging me while I cried. She was so amazing. A few minutes later Jimmy came back in. "Can you give us a minute?" I whispered to Katie. She got up and walked out. Jimmy walked over and handed me my drink. He looked at my arm and sighed. "Go ahead. Say it. Tell me what you're thinking." i blurted out. He just looked at me. Then he sighed again. "Why? why do you do it Emily? It's not healthy and you are so beautiful. You do not need to do this. You are so much better than that. People love you and you have so much potential in life. I know you Em. I know you better than everyone else except Katie and I know you are stronger than that." he looked at me. I shook my head. "no I'm not Jimmy. No one loves me except you, mom and Katie. I am going no where in life. I'm 17 and i don't have a job, I don't play any sports, I am not that smart in school and I am going no where. Why do I do it? Because I go through constant suffering every single day and it makes me feel better. When I see the blood pouring down my arm I feel great, when pain goes through my whole body it is this amazing feeling. No one can hurt me. Jimmy, don't hate me please." I was crying and could barely see Jimmy anymore. "Oh my god. Of course I don't hate you Em. I could never. I love you so much and you will always be like a sister to me. I will be there for you whenever you need me. I love you Em and you need to stop this for me. Me and you are going to talk every night and you are going to stop this. I have been gone for a long time but not anymore. I will never leave you again and I will always be there for you. I love you Emily. Please try and stop this." Now he was crying a little bit. Wow he was a perfect cousin. "I will try Jimmy. Just for you."

All I could do was try

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