Chapter 4

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Sorry this chapter is going to kinda suck but if you read it, I love you!  Comments would be cool.... I need possible ideas for future chapters.

After I spent a week in the hospital I finally got to go home. I was sore all over, I had bruised ribs and a broken arm but I made it out lucky. When I got home I realized how much I missed this place. Jimmy had drove me home and we took the long way so my mom was already home. She was busy on her computer doing something. I had really missed being on my computer and on Tumblr so I ran as fast as my body would let me to my room and opened my laptop. I opened my Tumblr and started looking through the dash. I reblogged a bunch of posts about cutting, being insecure and One Direction. As I was about to reblog another picture I got an email notification. I was curious because I never get emails. When  I opened the email my mouth dropped. I started screaming and jumping up and down and just spazzed out. My mom and Jimmy were up the stairs and I heard them slamming through the door. "Oh my god what's wrong?!" Jimmy asked me. I couldn't even talk so I just shoved the computer to them. "Oh she just got an email from that One Direction band she likes so much." my mother said. She would never understand. I grabbed the computer back and read it out loud.

"Dear Emily, We recieved your email and it literally broke all of our hearts. You have inspired us truely and we would like to meet you. Attached to this email is 3 plane tickets for you to fly out to Florida to see us. We will meet you and whoever you take with you (if you decide to take someone) at the airport in exactly one week at 4 pm. Can't wait to see you! Love, Harry, Niall, Liam, Zayn, Louis and Liam."

I quickly called Katie and told her the story. I read the email I sent to them and the email they sent back. She could not believe what was happening. I could not believe what was happening. "You still have an extra ticket left. Who are you going to take?" Jimmy asked me. I laughed and pointed at him

I was so excited right now I couldn't even function. I was just on my bed kicking and spazzing out. It was really perfect timing because school was out in 4 days. I would have just enough time to pack and be on my way to meet them. I was so excited. I could not even believe this was happening to me. Of all people. Just a fucked up girl who lived in Georgia. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 4:30. Where did the day go? I had done too much fangirling and it made me tired. I decided to lay in my bed and watch Friends. Jimmy plopped down on top of me and that's how we fell asleep. 

When I woke up Jimmy was still on top of me. I found my phone on the side table and I hit a random button to make it lite up. It was 4 am and I had 5 new messages from Twitter. I was now followed by all of the boys. Niall, Harry, Zayn, Louis and Liam all followed me on Twitter! I could not get back to sleep now so I decided to go on Twitter and check out some stuff. I had 1 message. I checked it and it was a message from Harry that said "HEY EM! WE FOUND YOUR TWITTER AND WE ALL FOLLOWED YOU. CAN'T WAIT TO MEET YOU NEXT WEEK!" I let out a little squeal and looked over to make sure Jimmy was still sleeping. He slept like a rock. I just realized how uncomfortable I was so I pushed him off me and sat up. I decided to message Harry back, "Wow you guuys aree already found my twitter ;) Well yeah I am wicked super excited to meet you guys too. I am honestly so excited." I couldn't fall back asleep so I just layed in bed and watched Friends for 6 hours. At 10 am I was bored and finally hit Jimmy to wake him up. We made breakfast and did a bunch of useless crap. It was Sunday morning so we did nothing. It was a lazy day.

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday all went by super fast. It was already my last day of school. I had doubled up on classes, taken Summer school and now it was finally my last day of school. Forever. I was officially done! I was free of all drama related to school. I couldn't be happier....until I met One Direction that is, which was happening in 3 days. After graduation on Thursday, I went home and went on Tumblr. I didn't feel like packing yet. Jimmy however, was all packed for a week and all set. I stayed up all night and slept all day for the next 3 days. Finally when Saturday came I was super excited. I woke up at 8 am to finish last minute packing and get to the airport. After Jimmy and I packed everything in my moms car, we picked up Katie and headed for the airport. This was just the beginning of the greatest day ever!

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