Chapter 9

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"What the fuck?!" I shouted while holding my nose. Oh my god it hurt so bad! "What was that for you stupid little bitch?" I shoted again. People were staring but I honestly didn't care. The girl was just standing there smirking. "That's what you get for stealing my man. How dare you hang out with them?!" She spat clearly referring to the 5 boys I was with. "So that gives you a right to punch her? Because she's a good friend and we enjoy being with her? If you were a real fan of ours, you'd be happy that we're having fun with someone!" Louis said. I tried to smile but I was in to much pain for that. "That was totally uncalled for. Obviously you're not a real fan. Don't even call yourself a fan anymore if you can't accept who we hang out with. You should not have done that, considering none of us know you and she's our friend!" Zayn said getting a little testy. I could tell they were all mad. "Come on Em, let's get you to a hospital and away from this psycho chick." Niall said grabbing my shoulders to help guide me out. The girl stomped her foot and I wanted to turn around and slap her in the face. The boys clearly noticed and they all tightly gathered around me so the only way I could go was forward. We piled into the car, me in the front seat this time so I had space and Louis driving. I was holding a napkin under my nose so I didn't get blood over anything. "Dear God my nose really hurts." I heard a chorus of "aw's" from the back. When I saw the hospital, I was kind of relieved. They could tell me what was wrong with my nose and hopefully give me something to make it hurt less. Walking into the hospital, we were getting some strange looks. I could tell most of them were the "Who's that girl with One Direction and why are they with her at the hospital?" looks. We had rehersal tomorrow night and I didn't know if I could sing with a broken nose. I'd have to remember to ask the doctor. We checked in and sat down. About 5 minutes later, a doctor called me over to him. I walked over and the boys follwed shortly after. He touched my nose a bunch and in different spots. He moved it a little and I winced in pain a few times in which Niall reacted to by grabbing my hand and squeezing. It was adorable. "Alright Ms. Rayer, good news. You're nose is not broken but it is in fact bruised. It should heal within a week and everything should be back to normal. If it does not feel better within a week, come back and see us." The doctor said. I smiled, thanked him and then we left. We were all still hungry so we decided to go to the cafe that's not too far from the hotel. Mine and Niall's first unofficial date was there. The car ride was quiet so I put my phone music on again. I put my only One Direction playlist on and started laughing when the music to "They Don't Know About Us" came on and they all groaned. Nonetheless, we all sang. The boys each sang their real part in the song and I just sang when Harry and Niall sang because that was most likely the parts I was going to sing in the concert. We all sounded so good together. I was amazed. The song ended and What Makes You Beautiful came on next. We all joked around with this one and we sang extremely loud and not as good as we could. We pulled over at a stop light and I rolled my window down. It was a beautiful night so I turned the air off and rolled all the windows down. Zayn and Harry stuck their heads out the back 2 windows and I put mine out the front. The looks on the peoples faces in the car next to us. It was a mix between seeing One Direction and a bunch of singing dancing maniacs. It was hilarious. I put Summer Love on and sang the whole thing. It was probably my favorite song by them at the moment. I loved them all so it was really hard to choose but it was such a sweet song and I've had a few Summer relationships. After the song ended though, I put shuffle on and played all my music. The first song that played though, was a One Direction song. I laughed and put "We Are Never Ever Ever Getting Back Together" on. It was a sight to see Harry and Liam singing together as they were singing the song to each other. "With some Indie record that's MUCH COOLER THAN ME." Zayn sang loud and proud. I laughed hysterically and he gave me a confused look. "Those are the wrong words dumb ass. It's with some Indie record that's much cooler than MINE." I said still laughing. He laughed and as soon as the song ended, we pulled in to the cafe. We all sat down in a booth and waited for a person to come over. Oddly enough, it was the same lady who waited on Niall and I the other day. She obviously noticed me and remembered me and she gave me a death stare. I just laughed. All the boys looked at me confused except for Harry. He obviously was into the waitress. She was gorgeous so I couldn't really disagree but it was so typical. Chasing after the perky bleach blonde with big boobs and a tan. It sickened me. "What can I get you all to drink?" She said with a huge fake smile. She hated her job and was probably only doing it to save money for something that her daddy wouldn't buy her. We all gave her our drink orders and she disappeared behind the counter. When she came back, we ordered our food and she left again. "So uh....I kinda hate to be the one to bring this up but I think that because it is the reason you're here, we need to discuss it." Liam said all serious like. My face dropped because I knew exactly what was about to happen. "Okay. What do you wanna discuss?" I asked nonchalantly. They all went around the circle and asked me questions about it. Most of them were the basic "why do you do it" "how long" and "what's happened with your life" kind of questions. I went to answer them all, but I ended up just telling them my life story from what led up to my depression and my cutting. I told the other 4 basically the same thing I told Niall. The poor kid now had to hear it not only once, but twice. We kept looking at each other and he looked so hurt. It was killing me. Everyone else just kind of looked as if they felt sorry for me. "Can you not look at me like that?" I said kind of bitchy. I hated telling anyone anything because that's how they always reacted. I hated that feeling. The feeling of being useless and not being able to do anything for yourself. They all quickly looked away except Niall and Louis. I could feel them both watching me but I was looking in my phone, texting Katie. We were talking about the bitch who punched me in the face. The waitress came back with our food and winked at Harry. He smiled and I kicked him under the table. Everyone was laughing. We then started having general conversation about concerts and stuff along the lines of performing. I was really excited that in just 5 simple days, I would be performing at an outdoor concert in Florida with One Direction, my all time favorite band. After we all ate, I decided to drive again. I remembered the park that we went past other day when I was with Niall. I drove there and convinced the boys I was kidnapping them. It was really funny. We got out and I checked the time. It was already 9:30. This day went by so fast. "Hey. Time really does fly when you're having fun." I said laughing. I went and sat down on the swings because that was really the only thing I went to the park for. I was sitting there swinging lightly when I felt two hands press against my back. I jerked forward and turned to see who it was. It was obviously Harry. "You're such an asshole! I almost fell off!" I jokingly yelled. He laughed too but he just kept on pushing me. I watched as I kept getting higher and higher. I could see that Niall, Liam, Zayn and Louis were all chasing each other around and tackling each other. They were obviously having fun. Harry stopped me and I looked at him. "Why'd you stop me?!" I was disappointed because I was going really high and it was a lot of fun. "I wanted to talk to you alone real quick. I know that you and Niall kind of have a thing. I mean like it's obvious. His face lights up when he sees you and he's just happier when you're around. I say this as your friend and a best friend to Niall, do not break his heart and do not try and rush things. Let them happen on their own and whatever happens, happens. Okay?" I nodded to let him know I understood and then I got off the swing. I ran to the clump of boys laying on the ground and jumped on top. Harry then of course jumped on top of me. We played tag and hide and seek for about an hour. It had just gotten dark a little while ago so we kind of went seperate ways. All the boys started playing soccer and Niall grabbed my hand and took me for a walk. We were walking on the path that went around the park. We were talking about our favorite things and telling stories from our childhood. After about a half hour of walking, we decided just to lay in the grass and look at the stars. Laying in the Florida grass next to Niall Horan felt like a dream. We were still talking about nearly nothing but it was a lot of fun. As I was almost about to fall asleep, the boys came over and told us it was time to leave. My phone read 11:12 pm. I would be the one to miss 11:11 by one minute. I got up and Niall grabbed my hand. I looked down at our interlocked fingers and then up at him. We both smiled and then I was looking in his eyes again. His eyes were an ocean blue right now. Louis snapped a stick and we both looked over at the same time. We started walking to the car and I got in the drivers seat again. "Hey so tomorrow can we please please go to Disney World? Here I am in Florida which is the owner of one of the most known Disney World's in America and I didn't even think of it." They all shook their heads no and I got sad. "We can't go tomorrow but we can go the day after that." Zayn said. I got happy again. "YAY!!!" I yelled. Niall was sitting in the front now and I saw him smile too. Before we left the park, I grabbed my phone and plugged it in. They didn't know the music this time because I played a bunch of old Eminem songs. It was funny when I first turned it on because obviously none of them were expecting a girl like me to listen to Eminem and actually know the words. I was proud of myself. We got back to the hotel and as soon as I walked into my room, I went to get changed. "Hey Niaaaalllllll." I yelled from my room. I walked out into the kitchen where Niall was and looked at him. He had baggy grey sweats on and he was bare chested. I got lost in his abs. Seeing him with no shirt on made me melt. I caught my thoughts again and I remembered what I was going to ask. "Can I sleep with you again tonight?" I asked more like a little kid than I planned. He smiled. "Of course you can, darling." And that's how I got my new name. With that, Niall and I walked into his bedroom and laid in bed. We talked for a little while but eventually we just laid in the dark, staring at each other, cuddling.  I couldn't be any happier. And for the second night in a row, that's how I fell asleep. I was happy and in the arms of the most amazing guy ever.

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