Chapter 5- Langa's POV:

"What...?" Reki wheezes.

"How do you 'act like a couple'?" I ask, stunned, thoroughly confused, and in a state of flustered panic.

What. WHAT. "Act like a couple"? Couples kiss. Couples go on dates. Couples do literally everything I wish I could do with Reki. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO DO THIS?!

"Y'know, the usual stuff! Hold hands, be cute around each other to the point that you make us all want to vomit. Go out on a date I'll literally pay you." Joe explains.

"Wha- can I pick truth- um, Langa are you alright with this?" Reki stammers.

"Uh," I don't know what to say, so I just stutter out an "if you're alright with it...?"

This comment earns a few whoops and cheers from the group, except my apparent pretend boyfriend, who still looks baffled, and I look down at the carpet, embarrassed.

"Even I can appreciate this dare." Miya sniggers, putting an arm around me and another around Reki, pulling us close together so that our shoulders are touching. We look at each other, both bright red, and he whispers an apology to me. I whisper back a nearly silent "it's okay".

"Aw, already you're being secretive." Miya sighs.

Apparently, there are a lot of requirements to being a couple.

"I myself have had thousands of relationships," Joe exaggerates, earning a disbelieving laugh from Cherry, which he ignores, "and there are many things you need to do."

"Such as, what?" Miya asks. He seems interested, like he's been anticipating this moment for a very, very long time.

"I know zilch about dating people," Shadow admits, "educate me, while you're at it."

"Wow, am I the only one who's been in love?" The muscular man gasps sarcastically, "Who would've thought!"

"Nice try, Romeo, but I'm here too." Cherry scowls.

Joe ignores him again. 

"Anyway. Your first challenge is this..."

"We have challenges?" I interject, still thoroughly puzzled by this idea.

"Yes, you do." Miya shushes me, eager to hear the end of Joe's sentence.

I look at Reki, trying very hard not to smile at how eager I am to hear the challenge. I notice that his expression seems to be a mix of nervousness and confusion.

Wait, he's nervous? I think.

Probably because he doesn't want to act like we're together. I decide. That decision hurts me slightly but it's most likely true.

"We'll start practically miniscule..." Joe instructs us, pausing for dramatic affect.

"Yeah, yeah, what do we have to do?" Reki snaps.

"Just hold hands."

Just hold hands. As if the mere thought of that doesn't send shivers down my spine.

Reki gently slips his hand into mine and looks away from me. I can tell he's blushing.


My suddenly dysfunctional brain goes into overload as soon as our fingers intertwine. I immediately like this challenge. It feels so nice to hold hands with someone, especially when that someone is Reki and his hands are really warm and soft and he looks so cute and he's blushing...

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