Chapter 9 - Honami Hodoshima

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Ayano's POV

"Apart from the note Ryoba sent to the victim, she did more suspicious things. After following her for two weeks, I noticed at she always had eyes on her senior." The journalist continued on tape.

"She eavesdropped on his convos, walked behind him from a distance, but she never directly contacted him. I couldn't go inside the school."

"But she had a routine. In mornings she would listen to her Senpai talking at the entrance, and she would follow him till he went to his home, and then she went back home."

"A missing case came, a girl named Moeko. She was talking to the same boy before being missing. Coincidence? Most possibly."

The tape stopped rolling. I knew about a journalist after my mother back then. It was all the talk in Japan in 1989. She couldn't hide it from me even if she tried.

"Ayano! We're back!" My mom yelled. I quickly hid everything under my bed. "You haven't slept yet?" She asked. "No." "If you're not feeling sleepy then study. Don't be playing video games!"

"I know mom." I rolled my eyes. I lost all sleep. I wanted to know what happened ahead. I rolled the second tape.

My sweet, wonderful Senpai...
Is too popular for his own good.

Yet another girl is getting too close to him.
A girl named Honami Hodoshima.

A shy, timid bookworm. When boys see that type of girl.. they just want to swoop her in their arms and protect her, right?

It makes me sick.

"What's that book you reading?" Senpai asked. "Oh!'s just....a novel....about..." a timid girl with big round glasses answered. Her hands were crossed with a book in between.
Her body was slightly hunched as if she was trembling.

"Ah! I see. You really a bookworm." Said Senpai smiling. "Well....I do love's great.." she stuttered. She seems to be really interested in Senpai.

A girl who usually keeps her head inside a tunnel of books stuck her head out just for Senpai.

They both stopped talking and went to their classes. She really seemed to annoy me. During lunch and cleaning time, she came to Senpai to talk again.

But, in the mornings, she went to the library to read for an hour. Some other girls were there too.

With the way she's making advances at my Senpai, makes me want to stab her heart with a knife.

As much as I'd love to do that, I sadly can't.
I need to be more careful.


Thanks for reading!

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