Chapter 28 - Komako Funakoshi

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The journalist was adjusting his seat and his mic. " it working?" He tiredly asked.

"Alright," he cleared his throat. His sweater had changed from the last tape. "After that rich girl drowned, the school went to havoc. Police just assumed her chef drugged her meal. There was no other theory."

"I thought she'll play smart after that. Police had become more alert, even though the case was open-shut. But what she did next....shocked me to the core."

"She friggin' electrocuted a girl! Alive! Oh god I," he rubbed his temple and let out a deep sigh to calm himself. "It was a girl dreaming to be an idol. She was pretty popular, and a good kid too. I'm sure her love interest must've liked her."

"So, she thought the best solution was to tamper with the wire and electrocute her while she was standing in a puddle of water, which wasn't properly questioned how it happened in the investigation. It was after their cleaning time, so it was ignored."

"But it was not an accident. The wires were screwed open. That doesn't just happen. Unlike the rich girl, her case is still in consideration. She made it too obvious. And I assume she noticed it too. Coz' the next time, she chose a more subtle method."

"There was a girl known as a scholar. Outta nowhere, she got expelled! No police were involved but from what I heard there were drugs involved. Other things too like condoms, cigarettes outta nowhere. It was very unlike her character."

"It was her. It is all her. The connection is knotted tight. But when I tried to reveal it to the world.." he removed his hat, showing his roughed up face more clearly.

"I was doomed."


Yamato Nadeshiko.
It's a phrase that refers to the traditional Japanese concept of the "ideal woman".  A woman who is pure and feminine. Gentle, graceful humble, patient, faithful...

In other words meek, timid, quiet, doesn't talk back, lets men mistreat them and quietly fulfil her duties as a wife and a mother, as per her husband's needs of course.

Keep the house clean. Bear lots of children. Respect your husband no matter what. Know your place. I don't understand women like them. Why do they let their husbands control them entirely?

Is this what fear does to women? Is this what society pressures women for? I've never felt fear from someone. Except, my dreams of finding my Prince Charming every night has now turned into my Senpai seeing my crimes.

Nightmares. Every night. Him seeing me crush Honami or drown Ritsuko. Another girl has approached him making my nightmares more intense.

Komako Funakoshi.
She's a girl hellbent on being the 'perfect maiden'. Every boy wants her, every girl wants to be her. She's perfect in every way. It's easy to say that she has grabbed Senpai's attention.

They say these type of women are going extinct. It's rare to find a woman who embodies such beliefs these days.

Obviously Senpai wants to be with her as well.

As if that will ever happen.

That almost sounded like Amy Dunne's "cool girl" speech.

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