Chapter 42 - Risky Business

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The man beside the leader chuckled at my silliness. "I'm here for an offer." I said. "Listen, you owed my brother, and I gave you what you wanted in return. We are fair and square." He leaned back against the wall.

I took a breath. "I'm not here for a favour, if that's what you're thinking." He raised his eyebrow. "Then why are you here?" "I'm here to pay for your service." His eyes grew wide.

"Listen, kid. You do not wanna get involved with this. You still have a chance to back off. Once you get involved, you'll be involved your whole life. You understand how dangerous this is?"

"I already am involved now, aren't I?" I asked. He thought deeply. He couldn't disagree to me. Soon, he nodded. "Alright, if that's you want. If that's what your ready for, then why not?" He said.

"What if you can make someone...disappear?" I ask. "Woah! Hold on now," he lets out in shock. "You mean you want someone kidnapped? That's crazy! What for?"

"I thought you didn't ask any further questions." I said. He scratched his chin. "Hmm, right..But remember, disappearing people has a hefty price." "So, how much?" I asked.

He stared at the guy smoking. "What do you say?" He asked. "Around uh...10000, Boss." 10000?! Where will I get so much? "So, what's wrong? Can't afford it?" I really can't. He noticed my hesitation after that.

What to do, what to do? The last time I got something out of them was because I did something for them. I don't have enough cash. Working extra shifts can't even suffice.

Wait, I can maybe give them something else. Some other favour in return.

"I go to a very prestigious school." I said. "A school with students from very rich families. They'd pay a ton for ransom." His eyebrows crossed. "What do you mean? You'll kidnap someone?"

"Isn't that exactly what I'm implying here?" He takes a deep breath. "Hmm, if you have the skills to kidnap someone, why make us pay to do it? Don't you think there are extra steps here?"

"I mean, what's your plan here?" I place my fingers on my chin. "Well, I'll get a girl from a really rich family. Kidnap her, ask for ransom, get the said ransom and pay you for vanishing the person I want gone. Simple."

"Simple?!" He let out. The others joined the convo as well. "I don't get it, kid. Why go the extra mile here?" asked the guy beside the leader.

I sigh, "If I could get rid of her, I would've done it long ago. There's...barriers. I can't do it. Which is why I'm ready you pay you." They all exchange glances. "Alright." Said the leader. "But who will you kidnap?"

I shrug. "I'll have to see who's the richest and gullible." He dryly lets out a chuckle. "What if, I tell you who to kidnap and you bring them to us? How much cash do you need anyways?"

"Well, I have 4000 if I pool all of it. That leaves 6000. If I get this one specific person successfully, you can ask a ransom at a high price. Then cut off 6k and I'll pay the rest. How does that sound?"

They again exchange glances, this time filled with both doubt and confidence. "You're getting involved in really risky business here kid. You sure you're upto this?" "I'm already involved with you all. Just tell me the person, and I'll bring them."

"Alright, but if you don't do this by the weekend, you'll have to pay 10000 without benefits. That's the price you gotta pay." "Okay, it won't be hard to me at all." I said. A smirk formed on the leader's face.


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