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I hate highschool.

It wasn't easy to handle two positions in one year.

It was stressful being class prefect and Hostel prefect at the same time.

Waking up everyday was a big job. I had to make sure all the girls got up on time for assembly and in class I'd still be busy.

Today felt different,i woke up feeling lighter than ever. Excited about nothing in particular.

In class, during the first period, we had maths which was my worst subject but I've always had to pay so much attention unlike other subjects that were very easy for me to understand.

Few minutes to the end of the maths class, our Science teacher came in with a new student. He was introduced to the whole class as Holland Tom.

He was good looking, "good looking" would be an understatement in this case. The girls in my class were already whispering something behind me. The guys in my class on the other hand were probably not expecting a new student in the class, he was definitely going to be every girl's sweetheart.

I quickly took the thoughts off my mind when the class teacher asked me to follow him to get the register to write the new student's name in.

After writing his name, I went back to my class to continue with my remaining lessons. Holland followed the science teacher to probably get to know other things he needed to know about our school.


Bell rings as lessons are over. It's time for lunch.

All the students are excited to go to the dining.

As the class prefect,I had to keep stuff in place before joining my mates.

While everyone had lunch, I could see the way the senior girls were looking at my class table... Wondered why they were looking at us like that until I realized "THE NEW STUDENT". Holland was so handsome. These girls wouldn't care if he was their immediate Junior. The SS3 girls were known for always asking the boys in my class out. So this new SS2 boy wouldn't be an exemption. That wasn't my issue though. I'm in SS2 i was already busy trying to avoid those SS3 boys who wouldn't stop disturbing my life. They refused to date their class mates and came for their juniors "the SS2 girls" it didn't feel proper to me, besides their girls hated my class girls cause they felt we were trying to compete with them for their boys.

After lunch, we went to the dormitory to observe siesta. The news of the new student was everywhere. This wasn't the first time we were having a new student in my school but this one in particular caused so much noise. Probably cause he was so gorgeous. Well I couldn't wait for everyone to get over this. I tried to sleep despite the giggles coming from my roommates about the same guy.

Thirty minutes later... We were disturbed by the sound of the cleanup Bell. We all ran out quickly to avoid punishments.

My class was given a place to clean. We were asked to work together. Boys and girls. One of the SS3 girls had to supervise my class. I just hated this girl in particular. She always seemed to have a personal beef with me probably because her ex is one of my many admirers.

This new student was just pissing me off. He was really lazy. He kept complaining about the little portion the supervisor gave him. After complaining that he couldn't do the work, the supervisor allowed him to go, just like that. The rest of us couldn't say anything. We had to finish his work for him.

I clearly understood where the partiality was coming from. She definitely liked Holland too. Jeez.

I was pained though... Is this the way this new student will be making us do his work every time during cleanup? Mmtchew. He definitely looked like someone who'd make use of his looks. I was pretty too but i never let others feel intimidated.

We were done with the day's work and we went back to the dormitory. My class girls were also pissed. The supervisor wasn't being fair at all.

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