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It's a beautiful morning here in STARS HIGHSCHOOL. Everyone went for assembly. The principal addressed us. The vice principal came to the stage to give her speech after the principal.

The new students were welcomed, the looked so innocent...I remember being in JS1, I also looked innocent or should i say naive? I couldn't even knot my tie well then.

I smiled to myself at that quick flashback. Truly we'd come a long way. Just like i always said, I've come a long way to give up now. The vice principal also congratulated the old students for making an extra step in the academic world.

Then i and few of my classmates were called to the stage. I didn't expect this today. We were going to be given posts today? That was so soon. Just like everyone expected, I was made the Head girl. My best friend Corey was made Sanitary prefect, Winfrey was made Dining prefect. A certain guy in my class was made Head boy. few other students in my class were given positions too.

My excitement knew no boundaries but I had to comport myself. We were congratulated again. I couldn't wait to break the news to my parents. I would call them later in the day.

My class mates hugged me after assembly, some junior Students came to hug me too. It was a wonderful moment. Everyone now called me Head girl. It's funny how everyone automatically called seniors by their posts when they were announced prefects. I would miss being called by my name "Zoey".


My literature teacher called for me that afternoon. I guess this had to be another advice session. I expected that. On my way to his office, I could see the Health teacher staring hatefully at me. Did i offend this woman?

I knew she had a thing with my literature teacher last school year and news did spread like wildfire. My class girls said she hated seeing any female student meeting him for any reason in his office. If they were still together that would be weird cause i knew how annoying my class girls were...they'd try to piss her off on purpose by meeting the teacher everyday for no good reason just to make her feel insecure and that would make her break up with him if she was so insecure. I wasn't like that though and I wouldn't meet any teacher if it wasn't important. so she should just stop staring me in a hateful manner. I didn't want her to ruin my happy day so I just ignored her and went ahead to enter his office.

After many hours of speaking to me, he gave me a gift. My literature teacher was my favorite teacher. I wonder what was in the parcel. I couldn't wait to reach the dormitory to check. I went to my class, put the parcel in my bag and sat down for the next lecture.

After lectures, a bell was rung for lunch. Winfrey and i had to go to the dining before other students so we could help dish the meals.

After lunch, I quickly ran to the hostel to check my gift. I opened it and i saw a necklace,a novel and a folded note. Beautiful i said to myself... Carefully, i unfolded the note to read...


Don't tell anyone about this... Meet me at my office this evening, Alone.
I have something to tell you. It's important.

What was he going to tell me? Why didn't he just tell me this when i was in his office earlier? Why was he asking me to come alone? This was suspicious. Immediately,i remembered Holland. He'd tricked me into meeting him in a private place before too. I wasn't going to go alone but I'd obey by meeting him.

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