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Holland and I are definitely not going to get along. I could see it already. How can someone be so rude.

Some girls in my class found him cute though but i just didn't like this guy's attitude.

He was smarter than me in maths and my maths teacher was slowly beginning to shift his attention from me. Before now, whenever I didn't understand a particular equation, my maths teacher would take his time to explain it to me and the rest of the class but now, he'd simply say "y'all can meet Holland after the class, he seems to be the only one that pays attention"

Whenever my classmates went to the boy for an explanation he'd ask for something first. I know we all survived as students by doing trade by barter, but it wasn't right to do that with knowledge.

I also had pride so i decided i wasn't going to ask for his help. I'd rather meet the senior prefect for boys for help, he was always ready to help. The only trouble I'd get from that would be more hatred from the senior girls for talking to their classmate well i don't care... It's better than talking to this annoying guy.


Few days had passed, Holland got himself a nickname... Every girl in school called him Gu Jun Pyo. Lol this had to be the height of it.

Holland was nothing like the movie character in "BOYS OVER FLOWER"
I mean,he was handsome and annoying like Gu Jun Pyo but duh, why should everyone be hyping him like that?

Guy Jun Pyo was rude for a reason,his mom didn't give him enough love while he was growing up so he didn't even know how to be selfless...but at least, in the end, he stopped being self centered. Holland didn't seem to be someone who'd ever change. This wasn't K-drama either.


I was reading in my room when my bestfriend came in to tell me that Holland had borrowed a novel from her and refused to return it.

She said he ignored her when she went to ask him for it. My bestfriend "Winfrey" isn't one to stand up for herself sometimes and I hated it when people hurt her.

I hated to see her sad cause my class mates usually called her timid. So I decided i was going to confront Holland tonight.
He had to return her novel immediately. We're going to have a test on that novel next week.

I dressed up and left my room to meet him. I knew my class boys always played basketball in the afternoon, I knew where he would be. Luckily, he was just resting on a bench after practice. So I walked up to him.

"Hey Holland"

He just raised his face towards my direction and turned away again. Big jerk!

"I'm talking to you! Holland"
I raised my voice this time since he decided to play deaf.

"What's your problem?"he asked

"I don't have much to say to you...just stop fooling around and return my friend's novel, she needs it for the upcoming test"

"Did she ask you to speak for her?"he asked and stood up trying to walk away and join the others to resume training.

"They call you Gu Jun Pyo right!?... It gets in your head? Well it doesn't suit you" I yelled at him and walked away too

Then I heard him respond in the most sarcastic manner...
"And you think you're Geum Jan di?"

That had to be the most sarcastic response...I didn't know what to say to him. Well at least I deserved to be called Geum Jan di cause she was known for standing up to the most annoying student in her school when everyone else were being cowards.

Well, at least I didn't confront him in vain cause he returned Winfrey's novel. I just had to make sure i avoided him like a plague.

In class, we avoided each other... He never submitted his assignments to me directly, he'd give it to someone else to submit it.
He even talked more to every girl in the class and made it look like he wanted me to feel jealous or something. If only he knew i was not bothered or maybe i was though.

Wait, why was i beginning to feel bothered...I didn't understand what was going on. I had better things to care about anyway so i made myself care less gradually.

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