Kris x NonBinary!Reader Middle Ground

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Slowly walking out of the apartment Y/N and their parents own they began to wonder what would happen today. See Y/N was never popular or bullied they were the middle ground along with another student.


Y/N never talked to the kid but they heard things about kris, some good and some bad. Though Y/N never commented on the things they heard they already had mixed feelings about kris.

Before Y/N knew it they were at school, 'damn here already, that walk gets shorter each day I swear' They began to walk to class opening the door a bit to loud. It didn't matter much since Y/N was first everyday without fail, but they still didn't like it.

Y/N's POV:
'First again not that it matters. Might as well do my homework, nothing better to do' I began my math homework but gave up halfway through since I kept getting the wrong answer. Eventually I snapped my pencil, as soon as that happened the 'nerds' of Ms. Alphys' class Noelle , I dont mind, and what's his name again burghly? I don't care all I know is that hes loud, annoying, and most likely insecure.

But enough about them the rest of the students came fileing in shortly after, the order being: temmie, M.K., Snowdrake, that cat one, and Jockington. Only missing two kids, kris and susie, they were always last getting to class though it's not like Ms. Alphys will do any thing the most she dose is give you extra homework , which is just a test that asks which new new kissy cutie is the best, I've taken that test before.

Finally the last 2 kids which happen to be kris and susie walk in and we can start class, I caught kris staring at me though I couldn't really tell cause of their hair, it gave me chills like what did I do I barely know the kid and their staring at me. It honestly annoys me, but I won't do anything I wanna stay in the middle ground where it's safe


After class I got up and was about to walk home and go to sleep when I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turn around and it's none other than kris, 'what the hell? why are they here and what are they doing' I thought. Turning around I asked, "What's up, need something?" They nod and give me a piece of paper I read the paper and it says they want to talk to you at the lake with the benches. "Ok, see you ther I guess" I say a little hesitant they smile and walk a way leaving you there confused.

(I hope you like this pls tell me if you want a part 2 luv u bai <3)

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