Chapter 16 - Figuring Things Out

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As soon as Stiles reached Scott's door, Scott was already stood there waiting for him, his expression sympathetic. He figured he must of heard his howl and he suddenly felt slightly embarrassed. They shared a knowing glance as he followed Scott into his empty house and sat down.

"Scott I did it. I lied my ass off to her and now she hates me..." Stiles whined as he placed his head in his hands, regaining control as he transformed back to his usual self. "Oh bud. I'm so sorry, but think of it this way, she's now safer than ever, Salem can't get to her okay?" Scott said reassuringly as he patted him gently on the back. "I know but...Scott you didn't see the way she was looking at me...I could feel her heart breaking. I broke her...I mean some of the things I ended up saying, they were so untrue and so cruel. I literally said I was bored of her and that I wanted to be single for a while and she definitely thinks that I used her just for sex." Stiles protested, guilt and worry coming off him in waves as his eyes watered.

Scott looked shocked for a second, his mouth slightly open before he finally spoke. "Wait you guys had sex!? Since when?!" Scott questioned him frantically and Stiles totally forgot that he'd never told him. He flashed Scott a exhausted gaze that said 'this isn't the time we'll discuss it later'. And Scott quickly got the hint and shut up. "But dude just think after everything is over, after Salem is gone, just think how amazing it will be to have her back?" Scott suggested with a slight smile in an effort to cheer him up.

"Yeah that's if she even wants me back after...I wouldn't be surprised if she just stays hating me forever." Stiles whined pitifully before putting his head back and resting it on the back of the sofa, looking up to the ceiling longingly before shutting his eyes tightly. "Oh bro don't be so hard on yourself, of course you'll get back together. Have you seen you two? You're each other's anchor, emotional tether! Even if she wanted to, she couldn't stay mad at you! You're like two sides of the same coin, you need each other. Despite how stubborn you both seem to be..." Scott trailed off with a smirk as he looked at his crestfallen best friend.

"You really think so Scotty? But what if by the time it's all over she find someone else and doesn't want me anymore?" Stiles cried back in response, his voice reflecting the sadness he was feeling. "Well buddy as unlikely as that could be, but it's Lydia so...well I guess you two will have to do what you both do best...find your way back to one another. Because if that's one thing that's certain, after all these years you two can't stay away from each other. No matter how much you fight and argue and hate one other, you always work it out because deep down you have a deep bond that none of us could ever even try to understand." Scott replied wisely, a smile now evident on his face as he tapped Stiles once more on the back before standing up.

Stiles knew he was right. Their bond was undeniable and he himself couldn't even explain it. They needed each other, no matter how Lydia tried to argue that she was strong and independent, it didn't matter, they were stuck, like they were tied together by some invisible string. Stiles looked up at Scott, his eyes heavy and his brain numb. He felt exhausted with the lack of sleep he was having lately starting to catch up to him. He closed his eyes as he rested his head back down, his mind full but he knew with his exhaustion levels he could easily slip into a nap.

A few moments passed before he snapped his head up, his eyes now fully open and his mind completely awake. "Oh shit Scott!" He yelled out as he was surprised to find Scott was no longer stood in front of him but in the kitchen getting a snack. "What's up bud? Your nap didn't last long." He joked as he walked back into the room with a bowl of crisps and some dip for them to eat, but Stiles couldn't even think about eating right now, he felt like shit.

"I totally forgot that I'll have to tell the rest of the pack...about me and Lydia...oh god it's going to be so awkward and you can guarantee that Malia will find it so hilarious...and don't even get me started on Issac...I mean you should have what he said the other day when he caught me and Lydia in the middle of..." Stiles quickly cut himself off as he looked at Scott who seemed to be laughing at him. "Oh come on man it will be fine, it's your pack, they will come to understand, everything will be okay. And as for Issac? He told me everything!" Scott beamed as he took a moment to stop eating and looked at Stiles with a smirk.

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