Chapter 8 - Informing The Pack

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Stiles paced the room impatiently as Lydia sat on the edge of the sofa. He was so nervous he felt like he was going to explode. The pack could be here any minute now, he hadn't seen them in days and now he'd have to be the one to tell them that he was now a werewolf and that the psychopathic bloodthirsty Alpha they were hunting down was his.

Lydia looked at him and caught his gaze, she could almost feel the anxiety bouncing off of him. She stood up slowly and grabbed his hand gently pulling him to a halt. "Stiles? Stiles." his gaze landed everywhere except hers as he seemed unable to keep still. "It'll be okay Stiles, I promise. They are your pack they will understand, just like they did with Scott, Malia, Liam and Issac." Stiles finally focused his gaze on her. "But what if they don't Lydia? What if they cast me out of the pack? What if they get angry at me? Plus i mean Scott started the pack of course they accept him, Malia is a coyote, Liam is literally Scott's own beta and Issac had no choice, he was turned by Derek who is also in the pack. But me Lydia? I was turned by a evil psychopath. I was turned by the enemy." Stiles let go of her hands and placed his own over his face.

"Stiles you know that won't happen. Scott would never do that to you, you're his best friend. Stiles, i would never do that to you." She stated calmly but confidently. "Trust me Stiles i'll be here the whole way okay? Just tell them the truth and we will figure this shit out together, like we always do." She continued just as he heard a few cars pull up in his drive. His heart rate somehow speeding up just from knowing that they were now here.

"Oh god Lydia, they're here." He said shakily as looked to her with wide eyes. He didn't even fully understand why he was so nervous to tell them. They always dealt with things together and he was never afraid to tell them anything even when he was Void, they worked through it and fixed it, maybe he was less worried then because it was actually something fixable but now? he was permanently a werewolf, permanently stuck this way forever.

There was a brief knock at the door and he carefully made his way over to it, opening it to find Scott, Malia, Liam, Issac, Derek, Allison and Kira behind it, they hastily made us way in. On the way in, Scott seemed to give him a complicated look as if he already knew something was wrong. He kept forgetting that Scott could sense his heartbeat too. Lydia beamed at them all as she invited them to come sit down on the sofas.

"What's this all about them? This is quite formal for a pack meeting guys?" Derek stated obviously as he looked between them suspiciously. Stiles knew that Derek, Liam, Issac and Malia would also be able to hear his heartbeat but he knew none of them would listen for it or care enough to look into it as much as Scott would. "Are you okay Stiles? You were a mess yesterday but today you seem-" Stiles quickly cut Scott off he needed to say it before they all started jumping to conclusions and making up theories.

"Guys? I have something important to say!" He looked to his right to see Lydia nodding slightly encouraging him. "Okay so this a big deal and i am so sorry i haven't told everyone sooner. Honestly i've been struggling so much and i'm in a lot of trouble." As soon as he finished they all moved in closer to him, intrigue and curiosity brimming inside them as they listened with wide eyes. "Can't you just spit it out already? We're on the edge of our seats here." Malia cuts in stating very matter of factly.

"Shut up Malia! Let him finish." Lydia responds back to her before he can and he looks at her to thank her silently. Malia rolled her eyes at her response but stayed silent, which was different even for her. "Okay so you know the other day when we was setting the trap for the evil Alpha?" They all seemed to nod in unison. "Well i lied to you guys, that day when you left me in the car, i didn't stay there i got out with my bat because i heard a scream which sounded sounded like Lydia. So i headed out to find you guys but i went around the back because i didn't want to interrupt a plan in motion...but...i bumped into the A-Alpha..." He trailed off nervously as he saw Scott's eyes cloud over with a look of worry he knew only too well by now.

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