Chapter 1 - The Bite

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Stiles was never the most popular or athletic kid in school, in fact he had never had a girlfriend or been to a party but he always felt that his 'extraordinary' and 'unpredictable' life was too blame for the the reason why he didn't have much of a social life outside of the pack. As for not ever having a girlfriend well..he blamed Lydia for that. Lydia Martin, the girl he has been in love with since third grade, the girl who has his heart. Trouble is he has always been too afraid of rejection to ask her out and now that they are really close friends he doesn't want to ruin his friendship with her.

This was Stiles's life. The human in a pack with Werewolves, Banshees, Hunters, and Kitsunes. He tried hard to not let it keep him down that he didn't have super strength, speed, couldn't predict death or self-healing but sometimes in battles he felt utterly useless and pathetic. Today was one of those days..

Scott and his pack had been trying to locate the new alpha that moved into the area for awhile now after the string of murders he kept leaving with him but tonight was it, the big battle after they finally tracked him to an abandoned warehouse. Of course Stiles was supposed to wait in the car because Scott had warned him it was too dangerous for him to be out there, even with his trusted baseball bat. Stiles squirmed in his seat, impatiently tapping his fingers on the dashboard. He was annoyed. He hated feeling so weak and useless to the pack. He just wanted to help.

After another five minutes, he decided to check his phone for the hundredth time to see if any of his friends had messaged him or tried to call him. There was nothing. He sighed loudly to himself and looked outside, it was already getting dark and he was now even more worried. The pack had been gone for at least an hour now and he was afraid something had gone wrong. He slumped back in his seat, pondering the idea whether to ignore Scott's warnings and just go check if they were okay, when he heard a blood curdling scream. It was Lydia.

He quickly scrambled out the jeep, and grabbed his bat from the back seat. He took off running towards the warehouse, attempting to locate where the scream had come from. When he got closer, he decided to go round the back. He already knew they were in the warehouse and didn't really want to interrupt the plan in motion. He ran as fast as he could until he came to a small ramp that led to an old door. He skidded to a halt in front of it and just as he was about to go up the ramp, a deep, throaty voice spoke from behind him.

"Well..well...well...who do we have here?" The dark voice chuckled evilly. Stiles froze, his hairs standing on end. He knew who it was the Alpha. He slowly turned around to face him. The Alpha was tall, muscular and had long jet black hair that reached his shoulders. His eyes glowed red and showed a sickening blood lust, his long arms were by his side but Stiles didn't fail to notice his long, curled claws with blood dripping off the tips.

" So are you not going to answer my question?" The Alpha said while taking a step towards him. "..errm...yeah I don't talk to strangers" Stiles replied sarcastically whiles gripping his bat tighter. " must be the cocky one then hmmm?" The alpha smiled while folding his arms over his chest. Stiles took a slight step back, his pulse rising faster by the second.

"What's the matter? Are you scared?" The Alpha taunted him. Stiles raised his bat over his shoulder as the Alpha took another step forwards. "Of course not...what would give you that idea?" Stiles retorted his grip on his bat turning his knuckles white. "Well...I don't know..but maybe your incredibly high pulse rate, your shaky hands or the fact that your sweating.." the Alpha said cockily while smiling.

"Wait a minute...If you have a bat that must mean you don't have any powers do you?" The Alpha laughed while pointing at the bat. Stiles's face went white, he didn't know what to do. "That must really suck huh? All your little friends having super strength, super hearing and can heal themselves and then there's you...the pathetic little human." Stiles looked at him shocked, he already knew this of course but it didn't stop the hurt he felt on hearing out loud.

"Do you even do anything for the pack at all?..." the Alpha taunted him again but Stiles had had enough. "Of course I do I create the plans!" Stiles said loudly but also realising his mistake. "Oh do you now...the alpha said while glancing away for a bit in thought...that must mean that you're quite clever huh?" The Alpha concluded but before Stiles could respond he spoke again. "Well what if I could help you?...what if I could give you all the power you ever wanted? You'd have it'd be unstoppable with intelligence and powers to match! You'd be able to fight with your pack instead of being left behind..You would be incredible!" The Alpha shouted loudly while stepping closer to Stiles "..And all it would take would be a small...bite!"

The Alpha gleamed evilly. "NO!" Stiles screamed back. "I would never want that!" He began to run to his right trying to escape. "Well you don't really have a choice!" Stiles heard the Alpha scream from behind him and he felt a powerful force knock him to the ground. Winded, Stiles attempted to crawl away but the Alpha was too strong and heavy. He felt another excruciating pain sweep through his body as he felt the Alphas teeth sink into his shoulder. His body felt like it was on fire, like there was an electrical current running under his skin.

He quickly stood up, grabbing his bat and staggered back to his jeep. He hopped in and drove as fast as he could back home. He knew his friends would be able to take Lydia's car back home. When he got to the house, he hurriedly opened the front door and ran up the stairs to his room, slamming it in the process. He knew his father wouldn't be back yet. He ran to his bathroom and looked in the mirror.

He looked horrific. He was filthy, had cuts on his face from the floor and had blood soaked from his shoulder downwards. He slowly but carefully pulled of his t-shirt. His body was lean, but not that muscular. Stiles stared at his shoulder, it was a mess. There was dried blood in patches from his shoulder to his chest and he could see perfectly the places where the teeth dug into his flesh.

Stiles was still shocked, he knew what was going to happen and frankly he wasn't prepared for it. How was he supposed to tell the pack and Scott that he had deliberately ignored him and now he was becoming a werewolf. The thought scared him. He cleaned his shoulder the best he could and covered it with a bandage before changing into fresh pyjamas and climbing into bed. Oh god what a mess he had got himself into this time.

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