Chapter 17 - The Purest Form of Love

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Once they had walked a few steps Stiles was fine to walk on his own. Scott raced ahead and barged though the double doors of the clinic with Stiles on his heel. "Deaton! Deaton!!" Scott shouted for him, panic rising in his voice. "Yes?" Deaton walked from the back room into the reception area with a confused look on his face, Stiles was quick to note that the door was closed, meaning he probably had to use the mountain ash barrier on Salem. Despite that, the room was a mess with broken chairs and paper strewn across the floor messily.

"Are you alright?! We just encountered Salem we know he was in here!" Scott questioned him quickly noticing the mess, but unlike Stiles he had failed to notice the barrier as he stepped forward to go through the gate and bounced off, sliding across the floor and hitting the wall with a slam. "Oh Scotty? Erm the barrier is closed." Stiles said playfully as he stifled a laugh at the dumb wolf. Scott rubbed his head in frustration and peered up at him, his hair flopping over his forehead a bit. "I know that now." Scott bit back angrily with a slight growl, that made Stiles want to laugh even more.

Deaton strode over and opened the barrier for them with a smile as Scott stood up and gave him a hug. "So is everything alright? What happened?" Scott broke away from the hug and continued his questioning. They followed Deaton into the back room as he answered their questions. "Well he came stomping in here asking for you actually Stiles. He was demanding to know where you was and I told him I couldn't help him. And that's when I closed the barrier and he started throwing things. Obviously, it didn't work and he got bored and said that he'd be back for you." Deaton smiled his usual happy persona shining through and Stiles wished he shared his optimism, nothing ever seemed to phase him.

"I hate him." Scott responded aggressively balling his hands up into fists and hitting the metal surface in anger. "Calm down Scott, it's fine now he's gone. But why are you guys here? How did you know he was here?" Deaton questioned curiously, before he started sorting through some herbs and medicines. "Erm we actually didn't. We came to talk to you and he just happened to be here. Just an unfortunate coincidence I guess." Stiles stated bleakly, his eyes tired and heavy.

"Really? What's the matter? What would you like to ask me?" Deaton responded chirply before turning his full attention to them both. Stiles stayed silent. He suddenly felt awkward and stupid, he had no idea how he was going to phrase anything and anxiety was hitting the roof. But luckily Scott knew him well and quickly answered for him. "Well as you know by now, Salem turned Stiles and well Stiles has been having some...issues and when he discussed them with me they just didn't sound normal so we wanted to ask you." Scott said happily as he looked towards Stiles for reassurance and Stiles nodded in return.

Deatons face scrunched up slightly in confusion as he turned to Stiles. Stiles suddenly felt very nervous like he was on trial, and he knew Scott couldn't answer for him this time. "What sort of issues?" He asked him calmly, turning his full attention now to Stiles. "Well Erm as you probably know...L-Lydia is my anchor and my e-emotional tether so when I turned, I definitely expected some sort of stronger connection between us just like with Scott a-and Allison. B-but when i first saw Lydia after turning I felt completely out of control, like everything about her was completely intoxicating and erm..." Stiles turned to Scott awkwardly as he knew what he had to say next and it felt almost weird to say in front of Deaton but Scott urged him to carry on with a simple look, a tight smile and an encouraging nod.

"...Well when I was around her, I found that any slight touch or thoughts or just being in her vicinity made me feel these...really strong... emotions. L-like I would do anything to protect her and love her. But I also got these strong emotions to arousal? Whenever she touched me which Scott mentioned w-wasn't quite right..." Stiles finished awkwardly, rubbing his hands through his hair, making it messier as he felt a slight blush on his cheeks and he looked down.

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