My lost love ft. Agnima🥀

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Agni Rajawat  and ambitious painter deep in debt, agrees to marry Priyanka Chautala, the daughter of Dev Chautala, a rich tycoon. Garima, a music teacher for children, is engaged to Vikram, whom she has agreed to marry because he had helped her when she was in need. Agni and Garima meet on a cruise. Agni becomes fond of Garima. Agni is a fun-loving, flamboyant flirt. He tries to get close to Garima. 

Garima, however, refuses to fall prey to his considerable charms and they decide to become friends. Indebted to Vikram. One fine day the cruise stops at an isolated island where Agni's mother resides with the memories of his father. Garima decides to accompany Agni and is surprised to witness his soft side. She soon falls for him but refuses due to Vikram. A stubborn Agni makes her realise her love for him.The cruise finally reaches Bombay harbour the destination and they decide not to meet each other until Valentine's Day.

During the 6 months, Agni breaks off his engagement with Priyanka and starts working hard. Driven by his love, he creates and auctions beautiful paintings, and becomes very successful along with the support of his friend Tokus. On the other hand, Garima realises that leaving Vikram will be wrong and sadly writes a letter to Agni, explaining everything. When Vikram gets the letter instead, he supports Garima and convinces her to go to Agni. Things take a bad turn when, on her way to meet him, Garima gets hit by a car and gets her legs amputated. Agni, who waited all night for Garima, believes she has rejected him, as he does not know of her accident. Garima forbids Vikram from telling Agni the truth, not wanting to become a burden on him. Now, Garima spends her time running a musical academy for small kids.

Though heartbroken, Agni continues his career and goes on to become a famous painter. One day, Garima attends his art exhibition and wishes to buy a painting of his, a sentimental picture of her speaking to his beloved Mother, whom Agni had introduced to her during the cruise. Agni had said that he would not sell the painting as it was only for Garima, but upon hearing that the girl who wanted it understands the emotion behind the picture and is disabled, he tells the host of the exhibition to give the painting to her for free.

One day, he meets Garima again with Vikram at a theatre gathering but again Garima forbids Vikram of telling the truth. He visits Garima to give her an anklet that his Mother, who recently died, had wished for Garima to have when she became Agni's bride. Initially unaware of Garima's condition, Agni realises the truth when he remembers giving the painting to a handicapped girl and finds the same painting in another room. The two embrace tearfully and he assures Garima that he will love her no matter what. Agni and Garima then married by Vikram, where Agni carries Garima for the wedding rounds in the presence of Tokus and the children of the Musical academy.

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