Midnight Cuddles

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(No one's P.O.V)
It was 2:34 am and Kaidou couldn't sleep. He kept of having nightmares. He checked the time '2:35 a.m' he decided to call his boyfriend Aren

(Kaidou's P.O.V)
I decided to call Aren to help me, but I doubt that he'd be awake at 2 in the morning. I turned on my phone and clicked on his name, quickly pressing the calling button. He didn't answer for the first 2 times but by the third he did answer.

(Aren's P.O.V)
I was sleeping peacefully until I heard my phone ringing. I face towards it and saw Kaidou's name calling me. 'Why would he be calling at 2 in the morning?' I picked up my phone and answered the call. "Hey baby" I answered. "What's up? What do you need?" I said tiredly. "Um s-sorry for calling you, I-I just had some nightmares and couldn't sleep so I decided to call you" he responded, stuttering along the way. How adorable of him. "It's fine if you call, but do you need me to come over?" I asked. There was silence for a few seconds before he answered, "Yes, but you don't have to" he said the last part sounding like a whisper. "Well I'll go to your house." I answered. "Okay see ya there! Bye !" He said before he left the call. I put on my shoes and my hoodie. Before I left I wrote a note saying that I spend the night at Kaidou's.
14 minutes later and I arrived at kaidou's house. I messaged kiadou I was here. He opened the door and I looked down to see messy blue hair. I felt Kaidou hug so I hugged backed. After awhile, we let go and went to Kaidou's room. I sat on Kaidou's bed and asked "Did you had a nightmare?" He sat down next to me "Yea-.." he said looking down. He sighed and laid his head on my shoulder. I quickly looked always just before my face turned red. I still get flustered when he did simple things, like holding my hand, laying his head on me or EVEN smiling and laughing. I'm not sure if people get flustered when their partners do that, but I get really flustered. It was silent after awhile. I took a peek at him and he seemed to be asleep. I decide to put him to bed. I looked at him and gave him a forehead kiss. As I turned around, I felt a tug on my sleeve. I looked back and Kaidou was tugging on it. "Please stay" he said, but it sounded more of a whisper. I smiled, and got in bed with him. After about 3 minutes I hear kaidou move. He faced me and cuddled to my chest. I just watched the whole thing completely frozen. I quickly cuddled him and hid my red flustered face in his hair. I started to calm down and I heard a low 'Love you'. I chuckled at that. "Love you too" I responded

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