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This one is quite long ahaahasjbsj. And not really a one shot but I just wanted to write a small story abt them.  This is kinda like an ao3 story (I've been on ao3 too much).
I hope you enjoy this ❤️

In the past, Aren and his gang would always try to impress girls who were walking by. But it felt wrong? Weird? Like none of them caught his attention. He didn't understand the specialty of girls, and always ignored the girls who'd flirt with him. As well as the complements from the other men saying how he should be proud that he isn't even doing anything and girls still fall for him. He never found interest in them. He found it weird. And wondered why? He's at a age where teens start to learn about themselves. What they like, their talent, or the people they prefer. Maybe I just haven't found the right girl? That's what he always said to himself . It's probably that right?

Wrong !!
Ever since he left that past and moved to a new school, he met new people. People who won't ever know about his past. But it wasn't about that. No. He's more like freaking out? He couldn't stop thinking about someone in particular. And the fact that it isn't a girl at all, made it quite confusing for the boy. Instead he fell for his best friend. Shun Kaidou. The total opposite of him. Though he was childish for his age, he still found it adorable. Like the way his eyes sparkled at anything, for example, candy. Or how he would ramble on and on about the dark reunion. Or how soft his hair and his hands are. How beautiful he looked beside any window. How kind and friendly he is too everyone. How easy it is to make him flustered or embarrassed, and covers his face with his hands. How he acts tough but is actually a baby. How comfortable he is when he's with Kaidou. How they can talk about anything or everything. How they'd pass notes during class. How nice silence is without even talking. How they'd always stop by the convenience store and buy snacks on the way home. Aren loved it all. Why wouldn't he? He had asked Saiki for help, but when he said he liked Kaidou, he freaked out, although he knew it was true. Was it weird? Should he confess? Would it change how Kaidou views him? Would they even be friends anymore? What if he doesn't even like guys at all? All the these questions circled around his head and confused him like an 1000 puzzle piece. And there was only 1 thing to do to solve this 'problem'.
To confess.
Yep! To just confess. Simple enough right? Or at-least that's what he thought. But boy oh boy. He sure was struggling. He tried coming up with ideas to confess. 'Maybe i should be straightforward and simple? Nah, that's to embarrassing. Maybe by a letter? No, too cliche... ARGH this is so hard.' He thought. 'What if he rejects me? That's gonna be so embarrassing. I'd have to move school or even use a new identity!' All these thoughts circling his head. He got up from his seat. 'This is so frustrating.' ... "Where you going?" questioned Kaidou. "Just the bathroom, I won't take to long." Kaidou nodded and soon Aren left. But the thing was that he wasn't actually going to the bathroom, nope. He went looking for one of the girls. Any girl. The first girl he could find. Which happened to be Mikoto, who was walking towards her class. "HEY! Um Mikoto!" She turned around and took a moment to recognize him. "Ah, Hi there Kuboyasu! What can I do for you."She asked him. "Uh well, uhm I need help, but lets talk somewhere more private." She agreed, as it was crowded in the halls.
They were outside on the benches. Mikoto was there waiting for Aren to say what he needed help with. She noticed it seemed to be something serious because Aren was awfully quiet and was fighting with his hands "Sooo.. What did you need help with?" She asked. "Uhh. Well, y-you see uhm I... like .. someone- but I don't know how to confess." He quickly added. His face heating up. 'Gosh it's even hard to say that to someone who isn't even your crush.'
When she heard that, she squealed. ' Aww~ who could've caught your eye~ Is it a girl or boy? Are they nice? How do they-" He rapidly interrupted her, "WAIT! Hold on, I said I needed help. I'm not here to describe them to you. Okay?!" He huffed. " Is it...Kaidou~?" She asked while giggling. He took a moment to take that in. "WHAT! NO IT ISNT!" He denied though his face was telling him and her something completely different . Mikoto just snickered at him. " Oh come on. It's so obvious you guys like each-other. It's truly sad you can't see that ~" She sighed. "WHAT!? IS IT THAT OBVIOUS?! WAIT YOU THINK HE LIKES ME?!" He shouted. "Well first, you can stop screaming. And secondly, yes he does likes you." "But how do I confess??" He asked almost too quickly. "We'll how about writing a love letter. That's cu-" "NO WAY! That's way to cliche!" He interrupted her again. She scoffed, "Well invite to the movies or just a regular hangout. You could also confess by the Cherry tree in the park." She shrugged, not know what else to say. "Hmm, maybe a regular hangout; I guess?"
"Okay than it's settled!" She cheered. "I'm always here if you need help or even a push!" She winked at hurriedly walked away as she needed to meet up with her friends. 'Oh well, I didn't except this confession thing into being a regular hangout. Great.' He rolled his eyes and walked back to class.
"Hey do you want to hangout out?" Aren asked, slightly nervous. "Sure! We haven't hung out aside from after school walks." Kaidou gave him a thumbs up, completely ignoring Aren's nervousness. "I'll text you the details later then."

'Damn I'm so nervous. Should I really do it? Would it be awkward? Just hope Mikoto was right about him liking me.' He fidgeted with his hoodie strings, while waiting for Kaidou. It's been a few days and after 2 weeks, they finally get to hangout and Aren can confess. Why do it take so long? We'll finals were coming up, and got busy so it had to wait a little. But now that it ended, they can finally hang out. A certain blue haired boy caught his eye in the distance. He saw Kaidou, with a white t-shirt, with a green sweater, and baggy pants. Nothing special but Aren thought it looked quite nice on him. And then again, he thinks everything looks nice on Kaidou. "Hiii!!!" Kaidou jumped on him like a small puppy who hasn't seen his owner for 8 hours. Which Aren stumbled a little over. "Hey," he greeted. Slightly looking over so Kaidou wouldn't see his blushing face. "Let's get going!" Kaidou exclaimed seemingly very happy.

'Damn seriously! All I've been trying to do is confess to him but everyone seems to be bothering us!' That's true, every time Aren tried to confess, someone would always fine in between them. Started off by someone saying they've dropped something, then if they wanted someone else's tickets, and of course Aren was mad, who wouldn't? He was getting slight irritated but Kaidou couldn't see that.

After awhile, Aren suggest that they go somewhere more quieter, as he was tired of walking and the loud commotion. They walked to a near by park which was surprisingly quiet, but you can guess it was dawn. They sat in the farthest bench from the entrance, or that's what Aren said. "Why are we walking further from the entrance?" Kaidou asked confused. "Uhh, well... You can see the stars better!" Aren hesitated a little. 'And also so that I can confess to you.' " Oh okay!!" Kaidou seemed to like that while eating some leftover cotton candy. He offered some to Aren, to which he took some. 'Ahh is this the perfect spot? Should I do it? What if he rejects me- Nope, no negative thoughts. I've thought about this long and hard, I'm not gonna back out now! Beside it should be easy it's only three words!' "Hey Kaidou... I need to tell you something important..." 'Ahhh I'm actually doing it, this is so nerve wrecking!!'
"Hmm? What is it??" Hey questioned looking at him with pure eyes full of attention. 'Too Cute!' "Uuuh.. There's is no better way to say this, it could make our friendship stronger or it could break it..."
"Ehhh?!?! What do you mean it could break our friendship??" Kaidou looked at him with so shocked and sad eyes. And you can also see that he was slightly pouting. " Well.. uh...Today was fun, and I really enjoyed today, or I enjoyed being with you, but I always enjoy being with you- Not in wired creepy way! And I like seeing you happy. You make me so happy, like I could do anything against the world when I'm with you, You make my heart beat so fast it's crazy- again not in a weird way, but It makes me feel so warm and happy, I am really glad I spend so many school days, and the summer, hanging out with you. And I really hope we can continue doing this Which is why I said that it could strengthen our friendship or make it strong.. Well, what I'm trying to say is that
I like you!

Hehe cliffhanger!!! Sorry it took so long for us to post, school got in the way, and we got writers block, but we're back! Or at-least I'm back!! I'm not good at writing these types of stuff and sorry if you see any mistakes. But I hope you enjoyed this mini-story. ( P.S: there will be a part 2 so stay tuned!) Byee!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2022 ⏰

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