The Arcade (part 2)

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(Jimmy's view )

I was confused because she grabbed my hand and ran to the air hockey table she ran to one side and said "I challenge you to a duel and giggled " I laughed and said "you're on" we played for what felt like hours I enjoyed being with her Mabey we became very good friends while playing I got to know everything about her and I told her everything about me she looked like she was listening even when I was talking about boring stuff I liked this girl I can't believe how much I like her.

(Y/n's view)

I told him everything while we were playing I was so happy he invited me to the arcade he was so great to spend time with. He's like my best friend and I have only known him for a few days he's so great.  Then my phone rang I awarded my phone.

Y/n: Hello?

Mom: hey

Y/n: Hey what's up

Mom: can you pick up your brother he's drunk again

Y/n: Let me see what I can do I don't have my car with me tho.

Mom: okay thank you

Y/n: yah okay bye

(Jimmy's view)
Y/n hung up the phone and I asked what's the wrong y/n she walked over to me and I could see the sadness on her face she told me " Sorry I got to go pick up my brother he is drunk again then I asked "do you want to use my car"
She looked up at me with a shine in her eyes and she said " I can't take your car but it's a nice offer" I looked at her and she was about to walk out and I stopped her and handed her my keys and said " I insist just go get your brother just make sure you come back and don't get hurt I would never forgive myself "she said alright I will take your car but you have to promise me you will get me that pusheen while I'm gone. I looked her in the eyes and said I promise when she left I gathers the boys and said I need help to get that pusheen before y/n gets back. I promised y/n that I would get it before she got back so hurry we ran through the arcade and went to the games that gave us the most tickets and we played until we had enough tickets to buy it I told the prize keeper I want the big pusheen I think she was talking about the little one but go big or go home we gave all the tickets to the prize keeper he handed me the big pusheen.

(Y/n's view)
I left the arcade and went into Jimmy's car I started the car and called my brother.

Y/n: Hello kevin?
Kevin: heeeeyyyyy
Y/n: hey where are you I'm gonna come to get you
Kevin: please don't be mad but I'm at the bar
Y/n: uuhhh I'm not mad just disappointed. I'm gonna come get you okay
Kevin: Okay just please don't take me to mom
Y/n: okay ill take you to my apartment but you have to stay there okay
Kevin: okay
Y/n: okay love you bye
Kevin: bye
When I hung up the phone I was 5 minutes away from the bar he's at I parked the car and went inside and saw my brother on the bar stool. I went over to him and said how about you put the drink down and talk to me, please. He looks over at me and says okay with a frown on his face I told him to come on we can talk in the car. He got up and walked towards me and we walked to the car. He said this is not your car I looked at him and said that's right this is jimmy's car so don't ruin it. He laughed and said I won't. We got in and I turned on the heater. I looked over at him and said so tell me what made you start drinking again you were doing so good. He looked at me with tears in his eyes and said my wife wants to divorce me and take the kids but I don't want them to leave. I started driving to my apartment and told him it's going to be okay she can't keep the kids from him. Your there father they're gonna want to see you so maybe I can talk to her and sort things out. We get to my apartment and I opened the door and put him on the couch and said okay I'm gonna get you water and then I got to go okay. He looked back at me and said okay and asked " are you gonna be here tonight" I told him I don't know maybe and I gave him his water and said okay I got to go now love you bye. I left my apartment and went back to the arcade.

(Jimmy's view)
I saw my car pull up and saw her come out of the car and into the arcade I was standing at the door waiting for her and she came up to me and gave me a hug and said my brother is having a hard time and I hugged back I said hey I did get you that pusheen like I promised I grabbed the giant pusheen and handed it to her she laughed and said I meant the smaller one. She grabbed it and said thank you and she kissed my cheek and I blushed my face started to get really hot but good thing the light was pink and blue or she would have seen everyone met up at the door and we all got in the cars.

(Y/n's view)

We went to the cars and Jimmy opened the door and I got in the car and he went to the driver's side. He said Hey do you want to go to my house and watch a movie.

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