Should I stay...

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( Y/N's pov)

Jimmy left and I was left alone in his house. Hmm, what should I do, maybe I should leave. It seems kinda weird to stay without him. I grab my things and head to my apartment. When i got inside i see that my brother had left. He left a note saying he was gunna go talk to his wife to see if  he could keep her from leaving. Then I set my things down on the couch and grab a towel and turn on my favorite playlist. When my playlist starts I turn on the shower and then I hear a knock at the front door. I turned the water off and paused my music. I go answer the door and it's Chandler, Chris, and Jake. I open the door and say "hey guys how did you find my apartment" Chris replied with "jimmy told us to come to get you." I looked at the 2 grown men messing around in my doorway and then Chris standing there with his hands folded innocently I said " alright come in hurry before my neighbors call the police because 2 grown men are messing around outside my apartment. After I closed my door I told them "okay sit down right there don't move ill be right back I need to change and get my things." They all nodded and sat down. I left and went to get a change of clothes. I changed into this

Once I was changed I went into my bathroom brushes my teeth and grabbed my phone and turned off my speaker

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Once I was changed I went into my bathroom brushes my teeth and grabbed my phone and turned off my speaker. I put my phone into my bag and sprayed a little perfume on. I grabbed my purse and went back to the boys. Once I got back I looked at chris and said " lets go " evory one got up and went out the door after them I tired around and locked the door. We got into crises car and drove to there were house and got out of the car we went inside and they took me to Jimmy's office they told me to sit and wait so i did after a minute or two jimmy came in and shut the door and sat down next to me . I asked "what's up why did you send your goon squad to come get me" all be said was " i need to ask you something" by the look on his face it was series so i straitened my back and asked "what's wrong jimmy" and i put my hand on his hand he looked up at me and smiled and asked " do you like me?" I looked at him and froze how did he know was i being that obvious i did not know what to do but i just said " ya i do I'm sorry" and he looked at me with a puzzled look and said "why are you sorry i have liked you from the first moment i layed eyes on you" i looked up and got excited "really ?' He looked back at me holding my hands in his and said "really" reassuringly and than looked down i asked him "what's wrong?" He looked back at me, smiled pulled out Flowers's and said " y/n do you wanna be my girlfriend?" I looked at him with a shocked but excited face and said "YES" than all the sudden i hear cheering behind the door . I get up to see what's happening and open the door and see all the boys yelling and cheering with confetti poppers than i look to my side and see jimmy standing next to me. Everyone started chanting   "KISS KISS KISS" me and jimmy look at each other and shrug our shoulders  jimmy grabs me and do's me down and kisses me i kiss back and everyone cheers and pops more confetti poppers. Jimmy sets me back up and i haves a surprised look on my face. He asks "what's wrong" And cups my face with his hands. I say "I was not expecting you to dip me thats all" he did not let go of my face at this point everyone has gotten back t work and its only me and jimmy so he pulled me back into his office and shut the door i lightly pushed him into a chair and straddled him and we started to make out than Chris knocks and walks in and i hurry to get off of jimmy and Chris says "if you don't mind y/n i will be takeing your boyfriend for a second  a contestant just got out" Jimmy gets up and looks at me with a sad face. He kisses me one last time and whispers in my ear " well have to do that again sometime" than tarts to walk out of the room but turns back and says "feel free to stay if you want"  thank he leaves and yet again I am faced with the question should I stay.

Word count 807
Sorry i have not been writing vary much i have been a little busy.

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