One night

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(Y/n's view)
I decided to stay at the warehouse and talk to everyone so i walk over to jakes desk and say hi and thank we get really deep in a conversation about who knows what that I didn't realize that jimmy was behind me. His arms start to snake around me and I jump he asks "Are you okay I'm sorry i did not mean to scare you" i turn around and say " its okay i was just talking to Jake what's up" he just nods and i turn back around to keep talking to Jake jimmy keeps his arms wrapped around me while me and Jake resume our conversation. After a minute or two jimmy rests his chi on my shoulder and yawns it is now around 1:00am i turn around and look at him and ask "are you tired" he nods his head and asks "can we go home yet" i giggled and nodded i turned to Jake one more time and said bye then me ad jimmy walked out of his office. Then I remembered that Chris drove me here and I turned to jimmy and ask if he would take me home. He looked at me and said "can you actually drive in way to tired to drive" I said "yah." Then he tossed me the keys and we got into the car i drove him home and he asked me to come inside so I said yes. We went inside and he asked me if I wanted to watch a movie. I looked over at him while he was walking upstairs and i followed him saying "sure why not" he got excited and ran back down the stairs i quickly asked "where are you going" while following him into the kitchen he just said "snacks" with a big smile on his face. I smiled and said "okay well ill be in your room waiting" he looked at me and nodded while grabbing a basket of snacks and drinks. When i get into his room i sit on his bed and pull out my phone waiting for jimmy i open my messages and see my mom texted it said

Mom) Hello honey its been awhile i just wanted to tell you me and your father are coming to visit you and your brother
I rolled my eyes and then jimmy walked in with a bunch of snacks and drinks with a bag of chips in his mouth cuz he did not have enough hands to hold it. I giggled and got up and grabbed the bag out of his mouth. He looked at me with a worried face and asked "what's wrong? are you okay" I just said "its my mom she coming to visit me and my brother" jimmy looked at me. I sat on his bed and he sat next to me and asked "why is that bad" I looked at my feet and said "me and my mom don't really get along" jimmy asked "why if you don't mind me asking I said "she has always liked my brother more he's her favorite its so obvious and i just exists to cook, clean and take care of him." Jimmy gently grabbed my face to made me look at him and said "you are so much more and if your family cant see that than there fucking blind." I can see that he was being genuine and I could see the love in his eyes I smiled and said "thanks that made me feel better." Then all the sudden we hear a car pull into his driveway and I get up to look put the window and i see my car outside I walk to the door and said "please stay here I'll be right back." Jimmy shakes his head ands says "what if you get hurt?" I looked back at him and say "just look out the window okay if i get hurt you can come out Okay?" He nods his head and i go down the stairs and run out the door. I see my brother, my mom and my dad get out of the car. I looked at them and ask "what the hell are you guys doing here and why are you in my car and how did you know i was here???" My dad steps forward and says "get your ass in the car NOW." I start to eat mad and yell "YOU MEAN MY CAR." I turn around to see jimmy looking out the window. He looks kinda mad. My dad steps closer to me and says "NO I MEAN MY CAR." He raises his hand to hit me. All i could do was close my eyes. Then all the sudden i just hear "dont you dare put a finger on her any of you" i open my eyes and see jimmy in front of me and the boys around me. (Jimmy's in front ,Chris and garret are to your left, chandler and Karl are behind you and Jake is to your right) You look around and smile the boys look at you and smile back. Jimmy turns to you and asks "what was it that you wanted to know darling" I did not say anything I just looked at him and started to cry and i hugged him tightly. He starts to yell at my family "
WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE . HOW THE FUCK DID YOU FIND MY HOUSE" My mom said "well when her brother got drunk he was not actually drunk we needed him to put the tracker on her car but he put it on your car but it stilled worked out for us" i started to cry even more after hearing this Jimmy started to get madder his hands were bunched into fists. He yelled back "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" My mom, dad and brother stepped back cuz they were scared now cuz jimmy was taller. I stopped crying but did not let go of jimmy. They stayed silent Jake stepped forwards and my dad said "okay okay we were gunna kid-nape her" jimmy yelled as load as he could "YOU WILL NOT TOUCH HER EVER GOT IT" they all agreed then jimmy said "now go and leave her alone cuz you clearly don't know how to treat a goddess like her " They all rushes to get into the car except my dad he said "shes no goddess she just a no good waist of space" jimmy looked at me and picked me up then handed me to Jake I just looked at him confused all the boys stepped back then jimmy punched my dad as hard as he could I was shocked but I still giggled then Jake put me down. Then my dad looked at me and said "dont just stand there do something. I replayed with "sorry im a no good waist of space right so i would not know what to do." The boys laughed then my dad said "I AM YOUR FATHER" I just shrugged my shoulders and said "not anymore"

Word count 1212

This one is a little long i hope you liked this one  it took me so long it come up with.

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