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I got woken up by a terrified scream. Rin. I walk out the door and into Kai's room. He was wide awake.

"Rin get out." Kai says

I guess his use to Rin coming in all the time. He looks at me. His face had black bags from the lack of sleep. He recently go announced Alpha. His been getting busier. That one of a Luna is so lazy. She doesn't even help. I gone in a few time why he was away and looked at the work. Once I couldn't help it and did some of him. I realised he had a completed pile so I just put it on that a he didn't notice. Kai hasn't married Rin yet. I just can't forget Kai. Each time I try, I think it works but once I see him. It's all back.

"Oh Yumi what are you doing here." Kai asks

"Nothing just got woken up by Rin. Can you please shut her up. She's been bragging me about how you marked her. Honestly I don't care. It's getting annoying." I fib.

I just wanted to see him. I couldn't help it. He's so tried. That one of a Luna isn't helping at all.

Kai nods. I walk over to him. I place my chin on top on of his head. I realise his doing something wrong. His hand one the computer mice, I place mind on top, sparks flew immediately, I move it around and make sure the error was right.

"Don't stress yourself. That bitchy Luna needs to learn to love you." I sigh.

Kai shrugs. "Well you won't ever com back. So I don't really care. The only real love is from you." Kai says looking into my orbs.

"Well don't stress yourself. Only if I had the guts to forgive." I say mumbling the last part.

When I look at him I feel like his lifeless. Loveless. I couldn't help but give him a quick kiss in the cheek.

"Bye Kai don't stress yourself." I smile

I was about to walk when he grabs me by the waist.

"Look I'm sorry. I was drunk that night. I didn't know it was Rin. I was disappointed at what I did that day. I only made it worse. I miss everything about you. Your touch, your smile, your scent. Your voice. I miss everything. I can't live without you. I occupy myself with work to forget about you. But each time I see you it just comes back. I'm wreck less without you." Kai whispers into my hair.

I do too Kai. I do. But I can't she has your mark.

"Kai I'll stay for now, and I'll let it be like when we first started." I smile

"Please thank you." Kai smiles his real smile in forever.

"But only for now." I say

Inside I'm screaming forever. But I know I can't.

"Please don't do this. If you stay for now then, how will I forget about you again." Kai whispers

"You will and you can. Kai. There's more than this than you." I smile

"No please don't leave me. Please stay with me forever. Like this together it each other's arm." Kai says

"Kai... Let's just cherish what we have for now." I say. Letting of of his grip. I walk over to close the door.

"Go sit down." I say pushing him to the table and desk. He sits down. He watches me, as I clean his room a bit stack his work into piles.

"Hey alpha no slacking off." I joke.

Kai smiles sheepishly.

"No Kai. You go to sleep." I say.

"What about the work?" He asks

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