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Kai's pack find Kai by the riverside Yumi left, 4 weeks after his disappearance. As night fall Yumi would walk by and look after Kai. Placing his head on her lap as it her lap was a pillow. She would play around with Kai's hair. But she left at a time were Kai would never see her. Her scent would linger around at day. Once Yumi brought something to the riverside she left. She forgot to mask her scent. But she was close to the river that the scent masked itself. She said Kai's name loud enough for him to hear. She couldn't bear to see him in this state. On the fourth day she couldn't bare it any longer walked closer enough that only her silhouette of her was to be seen.

Kai ran to her but she would just disappear like she did at the riverside. One night she stayed till Kai work up.

"Kai wake up." She whispered

"Kai wake up." She pleaded

"Let me sleep Yumi." Kai mumbled

"Yumi?!" He exclaimed getting up.

Yumi smiled at him.

"Yumi why did you leave?" Kai ask

She shrugged

"Don't ask. Cherish the time I have with you." Yumi's smiled kissing Kai's lips

"What's with this your wearing." Kai said touching the fabric on her skin

"Don't you like it?" She asked tilting her heading

"I love it. I don't want anyone but me to see you in it. It's too revealing. Men will just drool over you. Your mine. Only mine. Ever." He whispers into Yumi's ear. Shivers went down her spine and a small moan escapes her lips.

"Yes I got alpha." She says looking down at her fingers

"Kai I'll be yours just for today." Yumi whispers hiding back her tears

"What do you mean?" Kai asks

"Nothing." Yumi smiles not wanting to ruin the mood.

Kai sighs in relief.

"Let's make it last." Kai smiles pulling Yumi up.

"Can we not go to the pack house?" She said

"Whatever you say my princess." Kai smiles there noses touching.

Inside, Yumi was in pain. Knowing this maybe the last time Kai will ever see her.

They fooled around like teenagers, at the riverside, the whole day. Kissed each, hugged each other and enjoyed each other's company. They watched the beauty of the sunset.

"Kai go to sleep." She whispered

"Only if you sing." Kai smirks

Yumi sighs. She starts singing random tunes, they flowed together quiet well. Kai's eyes got droopy slowly Yumi watched as Kai fall into a deep slumber. Once he did she silently cried. She watched over him as dusk was about to break she looked at Kai

"Kai I love you don't you ever forget that." She whispers against his lips. She took the flower crown Kai made for today and placed it on Kai's head. She ran to into the woods. She stopped to take a last glance at sleeping Kai and whispers

"I love you."

Before running of any further. Kai wakes up without Yumi beside him.

"Yumi!" He shouts walking around to find her. But it was no use she was gone. But Kai didn't know that.

He runs his fingers through his hair but something stopped him. Yumi's flower crown. He took the flower of his head.

"Yumi." He whispers tears falling out as he fell to the floor with her flower crown in his hands. From a far Yumi was watching. Her back against the tree she looks up

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