Power Couple

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(Batman stepped outside and surveyed the landscape)

(A massive letter W was written in the sand)

(A figure landed behind him, he turned slowly, knowing exactly who it was)

(Wonder Woman's eyes glowed red as she looked up at him with hate)

Wonder Woman: "He was my hope. And you stole him from me."

(She thrust her sword in his chest)

(Bruce Wayne awoke with a start)

(He was in his computer chair in the Bat Cave, feeling oddly afraid)

(Superman picked up a thug by his boxers)

Superman: "Nice try."

(Tosses him in a garbage can)

(Wonder Woman deflected a bullet and shoved the second thug into a wall)

Wonder Woman: "You have fought valiantly. Though I trust this encounter has discouraged you from purse picking in the future."

Superman: "Uh..purse snatching."

Wonder Woman: "What did I say?"

Superman: "Picking. Like picking apples."

Wonder Woman: "Okay then, Superman."

(She wrapped her arms around him)

Wonder Woman: "I pick you as my apple."

(Kisses him)

(Clark smiled and blushed)

Superman: "I stand corrected."

(She smiled back when camera flashes went off as a crowd of people came up to them asking for autographs)

Lex Luthor: "Mm! How heroic! The noble couple floats down from their pedestal to engage with the common folk!"

Wonder Woman: "Who are you, you rude little man?"

Lex: "Who I am matters little. What I know does. And what I know is that you two are nothing but frauds. God like beings pretending to be human. Utterly pathetic."

(Superman stepped up to him)

Superman: "It's one thing to talk about me like that..but not her. Never her."

Lex: "Oh. How sweet! The prince protecting his princess!"

Wonder Woman: "You have it all wrong, little boy.."

(She steps up to him)

Wonder Woman: "It is he who would protect you from me."

(She takes Clark's hand)

Wonder Woman: "Up, up and away, darling?"

Superman: "Yes ma'am."

(They flew upward as the crowd cheered them on, Lex grimaced in disgust)

Man of Steel/Wonder Woman Part 2Where stories live. Discover now